Chapter 9 - Lost in Moment

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.:~Roses' Pov~:.

 They won't let her go, "Stop!" Eventually they disappeared in the crowd.

I see Niall in the distance. The other guys were still holding me back until Harry came too. My eyes begin to water. Was that the last time I would ever see Mai? "Mai?!" Niall pushes the boys away and was ready to strangle them, instead he grabbed my hand. "What happened? Are you hurt?"

"No, they took Mai..." The tears cascade down my cheeks as I run through the crown looking for Mai. I couldn't find her. "Mai!" She was no where in sight. Harry catches up to me. 

"What’s going on and why are you crying?" He sounded worried.

"Those people took Mai, my best friend." I begin to chock on my tears. My best friend... I've known her since the 5th grade to this day, and she was suddenly gone. I think to myself. Niall comes again, "Lets go, I don't want to risk you being the next one taken away." 

 I wrap my arms around him with tears dripping from my chin and eyes closed. He holds me tight, knowing he doesnt want to take the risk of losing me. We let go of each other yet holding hands. I look at Harry. He had that same look on his face from before we left the hotel then said, "I'm going to find Haley and figure how those guys came in here." I nod my head and Niall pulls me out of the building. My heart was racing, I was so unclear of what was going on. I look up at Niall as he guides me somewhere. He looked mad, and some what confused. I never saw him with that facial expression before. I begin to get dizzy and lose my balance. I slip to the floor and lose myself as my eyes close. The last thing I felt was Niall lifting me off my feet.

  I wake up; I'm at the hotel, me and Nialls’ room. I sit up and rub my eyes; I'm wore contacts today and me rubbing my eyes wasn’t a good idea. Eventually my vision becomes clear. I sit up and see that I'm on the bed and Niall is beside me, facing the other direction. "Niall?"

"Its basically my fault isn't it."

"What do you mean? Its not your fault, you weren’t even there and-"

He cuts me off, "and that’s my point. If I were with you and Mai those boys probably would have tried anything on you two." He turns slightly.

"No. Niall that’s not true, It was my fault for letting her get drunk." I try to explain to him.

"Nothing against Mai but... I'm just glad it wasn't you that disappeared. I don't know what I would do."

I take his hand, "Really...?"

"Of course. I understand the fact that we haven't known each other for very long but I just know that you and I belonged together."

 “So you really think it’s possible to fall in love over night?”

“Yes, you’re the one that made it possible. The other night I had to convince myself and that you would wake up beside me when my eyes opened. When you were there, I knew I’ve fallen in love.”

I blush and turn the other way with a smile. I couldn’t believe what he was telling me. It was almost like I was the only exception; I get butterflies in my stomach. I was in desperate need to ask him something. “Why do you love me?” I know I sound pretty obnoxious asking him for answers instead of just accepting his feelings. But it was true, what would possibly be the reason for Love?

“Haha well for one, when we met; you didn’t scream and I knew you were one of a kind. When I kissed you; you didn’t faint. When we talked in the bus, you weren’t afraid to tell me about who you were and lastly… You accept me; for whom I am. Not because I’m some random famous pop star.”

Reminiscences(Niall Horan FanFic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now