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Because I plan to make an epilogue, I'm now bound by duty to make a prologue.

"--and both of you have access to the Imagination." Logan crossed his arms.

"The Imagination?" Roman asked. "What's that?"

"Can I eat it?" Remus asked. Roman looked at him incredulously. "What? It's a good question to ask!"

"Well Romulus, your predecessor, had created a realm in which anything he wanted to happen, could happen. A sort of fantasy land he had complete control over. I assume you both have access to it." Logan shrugged. "It's only logical, unlike everything else about this."

"Woah..." Roman murmured. "A place where I can make anything happen?"

"Can I even kill him?!" Remus gasped, pointing at Patton. Patton frowned, cowering behind Logan slightly.

"Not the actual Patton, no." Logan said. "But you can murder as many copies of him as you'd like, I imagine."

"Cool..." Remus mumbled in awe. "Well, can we go now?!"

"Yeah, can we?!" Roman exclaimed.

"Sure, kiddos!" Patton smiled at them, although he seemed nervous around Remus. "Just think about where you want to go, in this case the Imagination, and you'll sink out."

"Let's go!" Roman declared, grabbing Remus' hand.


Remus rose up alone, in a completely white space. He whipped his head around, looking for his twin. "Roman?!"

"Well, well, well..." A voice whispered in his ear. Remus spun towards the source, only to find no one there. "Who is this?"

"Uh--I'm Creativity!" Remus exclaimed.

A different voice laughed. "There's no way you're that bumbling oaf. He looks completely different."

"No, he does seem to be Creativity, could this have something to do with the split?" A third voice whispered.

"The split?" Remus asked.

"A rift seems to have been created, forcing all of the King's monsters on one side, and his knights and princes on the other." The first voice responded. "Are you the one responsible?"

"That depends," Remus gulped. "Who am I talking to? The knights, or the monsters?"

"Take a look at yourself, boy." The second voice hissed. "Do you look like you'd be in the company of princes?"

No. He didn't.

"A villain, you're the evil half aren't you?" The third voice giggled. "It seems fitting you'd rise up here."

"I-I'm not evi--"

"Don't fool yourself." The second voice spat. "You're like us, or you wouldn't have risen up here."

"B-But I'm not evil! I may not be the King...but I'm the...the...the Duke!" Remus stammered. "And Duke's aren't evil!"

"Okay then, Duke, let's test how good you really are." The first voice spat. "How many monsters can you slay?"

Three, large, ugly monsters appeared in front of him. He didn't have time to appreciate them, however, since they were suddenly all charging at him.


Remus was breathing heavily by the time he had risen up in the common room again. "Remus!" Roman exclaimed, rushing over to him. "What happened?! It's been hours!"

"Th-The monsters." Remus choked out. "They attacked me."

"Monsters? What are you talking about?" Roman frowned.

"That confirms it, then." Logan sighed. "The Imagination was split as well."

"They talked about that. How the princes and knights were separated from them." Remus stumbled over to the couch.

"I don't understand." Logan mumbled. "Romulus always said that every creature was supposed to obey him. According to Roman, that's what it was like."

"Yes! A row of knights all bowed to me!" Roman sighed dreamily.

"But it was the exact opposite for Remus." Logan furrowed his brow. "Why is that?" It was silent for a moment, all of them thinking. "Perhaps...perhaps your side is harder to control."

"Of course." Remus grumbled.

"I'm sure you'll be able to control it eventually, you just need practice." Logan gave him a small smile. "You are alright, though?"

"Yes, Pocket Protector, I'm fine."


Kinda expositional for a prologue but whatever.

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