Chapter 23

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Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈🌈 Please spread love amidst all the hate and disease brewing in the world today.

I'm sorry, for disappearing just like that, but the state where I live was hit by a disastrous storm (that managed to entirely destroy the coastal regions) and even the inland districts were affected severely. No power, water or network connectivity was available in these areas for almost a week at a stretch. Some of us, me included, were lucky to have the condition of our neighbourhoods restored back to normal within just a few days but the coastal region is still suffering.

And now with the recent case of George Floyd in America, it would not be enough to say that 2020 has been a shit year so far. We're living in dark, dark times.

Stay safe, lovelies. Reach out for help if you're in distress.

Chapter 23

"I'm sorry, that might have been uncalled for." Nisha said once she probably noticed me blushing furiously and just being awkward in general.

I don't care what she thinks of me and I don't care if I would have gone along such comments at other times, or the fact that they would be coming out of my mouth itself.

"It is uncomfortable at this point."

Nisha nodded. "Sorry, will not repeat. You want me to go on? I can stop if you like."

"No, it’s fine. I’ll listen to you. Continue."

"So, I thought your case was interesting, so I started hanging out with the group more, since that'd help me get a closer look. At first, it wasn't like I was attracted to you, but then Divya made it her mission to warm up to you. And naturally, she wanted me to tag along and I didn't mind."

"Divya and I got intimate during this period. She makes a great partner, honestly. But that couldn't stop my eyes from straying towards you. I was attracted to you at the same time. It seemed unfair that you were opening up to her only."

"You were jealous of Divya over me?"

"Pretty much, yes, and I still am. And till this moment, it seems like I used Divya to get closer to you. I appreciate her, but this whole thing that's going on in my head, I don't think I'm doing any justice to her or myself by being with her and still thinking about you. I don't wanna be with her."

"I think you should let her know that. She has been waiting for you for quite some time now."

"In other words, you mean I should break up."

Well, duh. I noticed my hands getting clammy with sweat even in the night air.

“Alright. Here we go.” I did not get a chance to react as she unlocked her phone in a flash and held it up to her ear.

What the fuck is wrong with her? I didn’t mean she had do it right here!

"It's ringing," she thought it was necessary to inform me. "Woah, that was fast. Hey, Divya. Were you waiting for me to call you?"

I couldn't hear whatever was said on the other end.

"That's sweet," Nisha continued. "Yes, I am still here with Riyaaz. But I have bad news for you. You and me, we're over, Divya. I’m breaking up with you."

Holy shit. This was really happening. How could she say all that with a straight face?

"Aw, don't cry," she cooed. "It wasn't your fault. Well, maybe it would've hurt less if you hadn't been so wrapped up in your fairytale idea of a relationship. But it isn't your fault, really. I like Riyaaz more than I have ever liked you, you see. And I can't go on pretending to be happy with you anymore."

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