Chapter 28

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This is the first chapter I wrote to get myself out of biggest slump I've ever been in. So, compared to the rest of the recent updates, this chapter dates back to months ago but was written to fit in this point of the story, LOL. When in doubt, fall back upon TuShan , that's my mantra.

Anyway, enjoy !!

Ishan was coming to meet me and my teammates. Yes, you heard that right.

We were finally in Delhi for the tournament and Ishan had arranged to come and see me play the last match. With the game being over now, he was coming to the dressing room to meet my teammates and take me out for a date.

We won the tournament but that was not the point.

I can't fucking wait.

I had taken a quick shower, changed into decent clothes, combed my hair back, put on some deo that belonged to Diego (who insisted that the scent would drive Ishan mad with longing) and now continued pacing the length of the dressing room in quiet the anticipation.

"Hey, man," Himadri brought over four other excited faces from our team. "Where is your boyfriend?" he whisper-yelled. "What's taking him so long, we just saw him in the stands, right?"

I nodded anxiously. Thank god, at least that wasn't my hallucination then. Surely, he must have gotten lost in the corridors or something.

That little klutz.

A certain confused face appeared in the doorway, peeping around nervously. I strode across the room, grabbed his arm (mentally noting that the coach or the managers weren't around) and brought him over to my little group of friends.

Finally .

Ishan squeezed back my hand and smiled brightly at us all.

"Hi guys! You all were amazing today! Congratulations on your win. "

I was burning. My hand in his was burning. My face was on fire. My heart was pounding in my ears.

Himadri smirked at my helpless state. "Hello, and thank you, Ishan. And also thank you for coming to get your fidgety boyfriend today. " That bastard winked at him. "He was so restless with all that dopamine, we could barely contain him."

Ishan looked pleased and surprised at the same time. He smiled, "I kinda got lost in the corridors."

"I fucking knew it," I muttered under my breath.

"Is that how you greet your boyfriend after so long?" Koushik rolled his eyes and smacked me up top my head. The whole team was surrounding us now. "Is that how we've taught you to profess your undying love?"

Somehow I managed to introduce the rest of my teammates and everyone had this disgusting glint in their eyes when they looked at me. "Well then, Tuhin," Himadri sighed. "Enjoy your evening while we haul our singular asses to the market or something. I want all the details at night. "

Ishan blushed at that. We bade our goodbyes and soon we were out of the stadium. "How long do we have?"

"I have to be back by 9 o 'clock at night, in time for dinner. They're throwing a party to celebrate our victory. We couldn't get a permit for a night out, I'm sorry. "

He smirked. "We'll make do with that. You're not here for sight-seeing, are you? "

"There's only one sight I'm dying to see."

Ishan nodded said, "Let's go to my place then. I have the food and bed waiting for you. "

Just the mere thought of him was enough to send me over the edge these days. I remember being this fidgety back when I had been a bratty little shit to him and Tuhina had kept us apart for weeks.

Coloured Me Grey (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now