Chapter 24

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Hiiiiiii I'm back with the next chapter as promised! Hehe. Enjoy.

So I've been watching Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and it's aweeesome. (The only big shot shounen I love watching is One Piece). The deaths are heartbreaking wtf I just want Al to get his body back and eat Winry's apple pie. 😭

"I trust you."

And that's all I needed to hear after I had told her almost everything that happened between me and Nisha. "I'd never do something like that to you, Divya. I respect you more than that, hell, I love you and will always be grateful to you for the way you've stood by me -"

"Riyaaz, it's okay. I know all that, I believe you. And I'm really sorry the way Nisha treated you. I was the one who put you through this in the first place. I had no idea, I'm so sorry."

"Shut up, don't worry about me. You care too much about others than yourself. Look where that has got you."

Divya had a sad smile on her face that shone scarlet from all the crying. "I do it for my peace of mind. At least you two boys are doing fine so far, aren't you? That's still a bigger success rate."

I stayed silent simply because I had no right to tell her off like that. If anything, I'd be glad if people were more like her than any of us. Deliberately, I had left out the part where Nisha was talking about Tuhin and me. I wished with all my heart that her words would never come true. Hurting Divya again only to leave her the way she was this evening, would make me even less of a human than the standard to which I have already lowered myself over the last few years.

My stomach rumbled loudly. Every trace of the pizza had vanished from my stomach like Nisha had from our lives.

Divya laughed. "Thanks for coming to my pity party, time for food," but soon her smile faltered. "And I was supposed to cook something in the evening for dinner. I totally forgot. Mum will be late tonight."

"Hey, it's okay. Stop freaking out. Don't you have small roadside shacks around the area that sell roti and tadka?"

"It's almost half past ten in the night. I doubt if they're going to be open at this hour. This is not a very lively neighbourhood anyway."

"Alright, are you feeling up to cooking? The simplest meal will do. I can help you if you tell me what to do." My stomach made weird noises again.

"Okay, but first you can have some snacks to settle that stomach of yours. Here you go, biscuits."

Half an hour later, we sat at the table with Divya’s mum with a steaming pot of rice and mashed potatoes seasoned with deep fried onions and dried red chillies.

"I'm so glad you are here after what you've went through, Riyaaz," the older woman said. I was about to reply when she turned towards her daughter and assured her, "Today is the last day I stay out this late, okay? I'll try to come home as early as possible from tomorrow, I promise, you won't have to go through this alone."

"Mum, it's not much of a big deal. I can manage it on my own," Divya smiled.

"But, baby, she's been an ass to you, how is this not a big deal? If I was there - "

I couldn't ignore the 'save me' glances Divya was repeatedly giving me. "Aunty, you don't have to worry so much, I will try to keep her company as long as I can."

Her mother narrowed her eyes at me, and honestly, even though I had heard good things about her, her gaze made me shiver lightly.

"That's all well and good as long as – " Divya sent death glares her way. "Fine, fine. Thank you, Riyaaz."

We fell in a silent rhythm as I helped Divya do the dishes (there weren't many to begin with). Their kitchen was equipped with only the most essential utensils. No fancy dinner sets or crockery were on display. But what it did have on display in a glass showcase, were rows of beautiful mugs. Some were of china, some were handcrafted with clay, some had baby animals carved on the handles and some were souvenirs bearing the pictures of the most popular attraction from places all over the country.

"That's what we do with all the mugs we've received over the years for our birthdays. Come on, let's go to my room. Mum," she yelled. "Goodnight!"

Divya pushed me inside her room, letting the door click shut behind us.

"Won't your mother mind the door? Could have left it open, you know."

"Oh, she's cool with that. Besides, I didn't lock it, she could barge in anytime she likes to see what we're up to."

She straightened the bed sheet, got the blankets and pillows out of the divan and dumped them on the bed while I stood awkwardly at one corner of the room. Memories of the he last time I was here a few days ago still shook me to the core. I'm never letting Tuhina rope me into a dance battle right after drinking.

"She's seeing someone." Divya noticed me looking at her with a confused look. "My mum," she clarified and waved me over to the bed.

I perked up at that. "Ooh, tell me more," I said, taking off my jacket. I had already changed into some comfortable pajama bottoms of Divya's and my shirt was comfortable enough to sleep in.

As it stood now, my yellow pajamas had little kitties all over them while Divya wore the blue ones with little flowers. I climbed onto the bed with my phone.

"I think, this is the person," Divya had pulled up her mom's facebook on her phone, and the said picture was a selfie of two women holding drinks and smiling at the camera. One of them was definitely her mom.

"She looks so happy," I said.

Divya nodded, "This is the reason she stays out until dinnertime. Don't get me wrong, of course she has to work overtime somedays, but I suspect this is also a reason." She scrolled and we watched as a number of less conspicuous photos of the two women flew past, now mostly amidst a group of co-workers. "And I don't want her to lose this on my account. I'll be fine anyway."

I smiled. That was definitely like Divya.

"Plus, I'm not passing up the opportunity to brag to y'all about my mom's office romance if they go official," she laughed mischievously. "It would make a great book."

"Of course you are going to write a book on your mom's love life."

"Yup, it's gonna be beautiful as fuck."

I couldn't sleep that night even after an hour of mindless chitchat, Divya drifted off mid-sentence and started to snore lightly. Everytime I closed my eyes, I could feel Nisha's cruel smirk and sparkling eyes on me. I resorted back to fiddling with my phone.

My eyes landed on Yash's inbox on WhatsApp. I hadn't texted him after that night, neither had he replied. I missed him. I wanted nothing more than to curl up in his arms and never wake up. I did like him a lot and this encounter with Nisha only reiterated my supposed feelings for him. For the whole night, my thoughts have shifted a countless number of times to him for comfort. If nothing else, I wanted to be comforted by him.

In the soft glow of the light coming from my phone, I saw Divya's face. She looked so vulnerable right now, sleeping beside me. In fact, this was the first time I was sleeping with a girl.

Wait, that came out wrong.

Divya turned in her sleep and nuzzled closer, her nose digging into my shoulder. I turned off my phone so that the light from the screen would not disturb her sleep. But she was already sniffling.

"Divya?" I called as softly as I could.

She didn't answer but from the movements of her hands under the blanket we were sharing, I could tell she was trying to wipe her face.

"I-I just hope she has disappeared somewhere Tuhina can't find her. Because," I heard her laughing amidst her tears. "Tuhina will kill her when she finds out tomorrow."

Stay safe, guys. Love y'all.

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