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It was a cool autumn night in the big city of New York as young Elizabeth walked towards her apartment building. She wore a faded yellow dress with a white apron round her waist. Her hands were buried deep into the pockets of her long black jacket, she looked old for her age with bags underneath her deep green eyes.

She sighed as she pushed some of her blonde hair out of her eyes. The streets were quite considering it was a Friday night, but it was half past midnight and she knew she had to get home soon. Elizabeth was no stranger to the Purple Dragons and she knew that if she was not inside soon, she would fall victim to an attack.

She quickened her pace since she was now a block away for her apartment. Her fingers played with her keys in her pocket. With a yawn she walked past the opening of a dark alley way, the creepiness of the silence caused her to speed up. She walked to though the front door of the apartment and the night time security guard.

"Good evening Elizabeth."

The older fellow with kind blue eyes tipped his hat to the young blonde, he was used to he coming in this late at night. She smiled at him.

"Good evening Arnold." She said as she pressed the button for the elevator. The doors opened with a ding and she stepped inside, pressing the button for the 8th floor. Her body was consumed with tiredness as she leaned against the cool metal closing her eyes for a moment. A ding caused her eyes to open again when the doors opened revealing an empty hallway. She made her way to room 808 and pulled her keys out of pocket unlocked the door.

"Eric I'm home."

She called out as she shut and locked the door behind her. She hung her coat up on the hook and tossed her keys on the counter. She walked her way into the small living room to see her older brother asleep on the couch with the tv going. With a chuckle she grabbed the blanket on the recliner and covered up her brother, she pulled the remote from his hand. Turning off the tv she placed a small kiss on his forehead.

She walked to bathroom with and stripped off her work dress and put on her pajamas of a tank top and shorts, wiping off her makeup came next, she pulled her her blonde hair out of its pony tail. With a yawn she walked towards her bedroom.

Without flipping on the light she flopped onto her bed readying herself for sleep to consume, but as her eyes closed there was a loud thud on her fire escape window. Elizabeth jumped off her bed and rushed to the window to see a figure with baby blue eyes staring back at her. It was dark so she couldn't make out the figure very well.

She stepped closer to the window to see if she could get a better look at the mysterious figure, when she did she gasped. Now don't be mistaken this gasp was not one fear, it was of surprise. She saw a lite green turtle with freckles on his cheeks, an orange mask around his baby blue eyes, and a huge smile revealing perfect white teeth.

He had elbow and knee pads on, a leather belt around his waist with what looked to be weapons on each side. He looked at her with wide eyes waving his hand at her. She returned the wave with a small smile as she tried to open the window but by the time she opened it he was gone. He had disappeared into the night, her eyes searched the sky for any sign of him. She sighed in defeat and said into the night sky.

"Come back, I don't even know your name."

She said before she pushed the window shut.

Little did she know that the young turtle was still in ear shot of her, and he smiled as he heard her words.

Orange Can Be Risky       ~Book Three of the Color Series~Where stories live. Discover now