Chapter 5

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Elizabeth's POV

It was ten minutes till 6 and I was still debating weather I should change for the fourth time. I was in the bathroom looking in the full length mirror, with a sigh I decided I looked as good as I could. I was wearing my dark blue skinny jeans, with knee high leather boots, a white sweater with a pink scarf, and pearl ear rings with a pearl bracelet.

I had put on a light amount of makeup and my hair was curled with a thick braid straight across the crown of my head. With a sigh I walked backed into my room to see Mikey sitting on my bed spinning his nunchuck. He turned his head to smile at me when I walked in.

"Hey I was beginning to think your closet exploded."

He said motioning to all the clothes scattered on my floor and bed. I chuckled as I walked towards him.

"I couldn't decide on what to wear."

He put his nunchuck up and stood giving me a confused look.


He asked.

"Because I want to make a good impression on your family."

He chuckled at my response.

"Don't worry dudette my family is going to adore you."

I smiled.

"How do you know?"

I asked, with a soft smile he walked over directly in front of me. He gave me a look that made my cheeks turn red and warmth rise in my chest. His baby blue eyes locked on mine, and my breath caught in my throat as he reached out placing his hand on my cheek.

"Because I do."


"You know for a sewer it doesn't smell that bad down here."

I said we walked through an abandon subway tunnel.

"Well dudette we live in the high class sewers of New York."

Mikey said with a smirk.

"So is your family expecting us?"

I asked giving him a playful shove. He chuckled.

"I told them but I don't think they believed me."

I gave him a slightly confused look.

"Why is that?"

Mikey got in front of me and started walking backwards, so that he could look at me when he spoke.

"Well they have a hard time believing that I got a girlfriend before Leo did."

He explained with a smile. I smirked at him.

"You told them I was your girlfriend?"

I watched his face turn bright red as he began to stutter out his words.

"I... May have told them that, I mean you can be. I would like you to be. But you don't have to be. I mean that's up to you, but.."

Before he could finish he walked straight into a wall, causing him to fall forward. I cover my mouth to hold back a laugh, sticking out my hand to help him up. He gave me a goofy embarrassed smile as he stood back up, he rubbed his neck awkwardly, he avoided looking at me. I grabbed his other hand causing him to look back up at me with a slightly confused look.

"I would love to be your girlfriend Mikey."

I said with a smile. A smile spread across his face as he realized what I said. He pulled me into a hug and spun me around, causing me to laugh.

Orange Can Be Risky       ~Book Three of the Color Series~Where stories live. Discover now