Chapter 17

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Mikey's POV

My head was pounding as I opened my eyes. A bright light blinded me for a moment, but after a couple seconds of blinking I was able to see that I was in Donnie's lab. Very carefully I sat myself up, ignoring the pain in my face and head. I looked down at my hands and noticed that they were wrapped in bandages.

"Do you need some Advil?"

I looked up to see Kelly sitting at Donnie's computer desk. She had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders . Her eyes had deep purple circles underneath them, her curly hair was up in a messy bun.

"Yeah that would be great." I said rubbing my head to try and stop the pounding.

Kelly looked at me questioning before grabbing a pill bottle and a cup of water. She kept the blanket wrapped around her shoulders as she made her way over to me. She carefully approached me before sitting two pills and the glass next to me. She quickly backed away.

"Is everything okay Kelly?"

I asked before taking the the pills. She tilted her head to the side looking at me, she took a few steps towards me, never breaking eye contact. She didn't say anything only looked at me.

"Dudette? Why are you staring at me? Do I have something on my face?"

I asked. I watched her face spread into a big smile, she dropped the blanket and rushed to me.

"Oh thank God! It's you! It's really you!"

She said almost shouting as she wrapped me into a hug. Hesitantly I wrapped my arms around her, slightly confused.

"Yeah it's me Kelly."

I said patting her on the back. She pulled back with a a huge smile and a few tears flowed down her face. 

"I have to go get the others."

She said before running out of the lab. I shook my head as she disappeared, carefully I pushed myself up, cringing in pain as I did. Slowly I made my way over to the door, keeping my hand on my plastron trying to ignore the pain.


I looked up to see Leo standing in front of me with, I noticed his arm wrapped in bandages. Next to him was Raph who looked healthy, Chanel was next to him with bruised and swollen eyes, on the other side of Leo was Donnie with bandages wrapped around his neck, Kelly was next to him. April walked up behind them smiling at me, Casey was beside her with his arm in a sling.

"Why does everyone look so rough? And why do I feel like I've been hit by a bus?"

I asked laughing a little bit. They all looked at each other like they knew something.

"Mikey sit down."

Leo ordered. I didn't question only followed him over to the recliner where he motioned for me to sit down.

"Why are you guys acting so weird?"

They all sat down on the couch except for Leo and Casey.

"Mikey what happened when you and Raph split up last night?"

Leo asked raising a brow. With a sigh I filled them in on what happened with the Foot and Nathan. I told them how I tried to fight them off but was over powered me, how Nathan used Elizabeth as a weak point for me. That when I noticed that my girl was no where to be seen.

"Where is Elizabeth?"

I asked standing up, looking around franticly.

"She's sleeping in my room."

Chanel said with a soft smile. I nodded sitting back down and finished telling them about how he injected me with something.

"I don't remember much after that. What happened to you guys?"

I asked. Each of them look at one another before Leo sighed and began to talk. He told me what the Nathan had injected me with, what the side effects were. Donnie then began telling me what the main purpose of it was. He didn't need to continue explaining because I knew then that every injury they had was caused by me.

"So I did all of this?"

I ask I said dropping my head.

"It wasn't you Mikey. It was the Foot controlling you."

Raph said standing up.

"But it was me, you can't say it wasn't?"

I said standing up to look at him with a sad tone.

"Mikey we don't blame you for anything that happened last night."

Donnie said standing up also.

"So you guys don't hate me?"

I asked looking up at all of them.

"No. We could never hate you. Were just happy to have you back."

Leo said before him and Raph, and Donnie wrapping me into a hug. I felt overwhelmed with joy as I hugged them back, I felt loved.

"Im glad to see that everything is back to normal."

We all looked up to see Splinter standing behind us and smiling. We pulled apart to greet him. He nodded at us and said.

"It's been a long night. Everyone should get some rest. You all have the day off."

He said before disappearing back into the dojo.

"Well let's get to bed, I'm exhausted."

Chanel said standing up and grabbing Raph's hand and dragging him to the steps. Casey and April made their way out the lair waving good bye. The rest of us made our way up the stairs splitting up into our different rooms.

I stood in the hallways even after they had all went into their rooms. I found myself walking past my room, past my brothers rooms, my room, the bathroom, and finally stopping at Chanel's room.

Very carefully I pushed the door open and quietly making my way inside the room. Without disturbing her I sat on the edge of the bed so that I could look at Elizabeth. Her right eye was swollen, black, and she had a cut bandaid on the side of it. He neck had a huge bruises covering the front and was slightly swollen.

I felt tears flowing down my cheek as I reached my hand out to gently brush some stray hairs out of her face. I leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead as my tears continued to flow.

"I'm so sorry Elizabeth."

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