Chapter 18

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Elizabeth's POV

"I don't look that bad. What do you think Klunk ?"

It was Sunday morning and I had to go home tonight. I was standing in Chanel's room looking at myself in mirror. My eye was no longer as swollen, I could actually see, the bruising not the other hand had increased. My neck was extremely bruised and there was no way of hiding it. Klunk was sitting on Chanel's bed, he just rolled over meowing slightly.

"Well I don't think I look that bad."

I sighed before slipping a white long sleeve shirt over my tank top. I had on black jeans and silver slip on shoes. I flung myself down on the bed, making Klunk jump slightly.

"When do you think the boys will done?"

I asked Klunk . He just stuck his head up to look at me and tilted it slightly. I sighed and petted him softly.

"Yeah I hope it's soon too."

I almost couldn't believe I was talking to a cat.

"He's a good listener isn't he?"

I quickly sat to see Mikey leaning in the door frame. His hand were still wrapped in bandages and he had a big bruise on his left cheek. He was smiling at me but it almost looked sad.

"That he is."

I said motioning for him to sit next to me on bed. He slowly made his way over to me before sitting down far away from me.

"Why are you sitting far away from me?"

I ask reaching out to touch him.

"I don't want to hurt you."

He said in a low mumble, moving away from me so that I couldn't touch him.
"Mikey you're not going to hurt me." I said titling my head to the side to look at him oddly.

"I already have."

He said before quickly standing up, causing Klunk to jump off the bed and run out of the room.

"Mikey we've talked about this. It wasn't you who hurt me or the others."

I said looking up at him, still sitting on the bed.

"I can't help but know I did that to you. My hands did that to you and the others."

He said looking at me sadly as he paced the floor.

"You can't let that bother you. Please Mikey, it doesn't even bother me."

I said with desperation in my voice. He looked at me confused.


He asked. I stood up looking into his baby blue eyes that I had missed so much. I took a deep breath gathering my courage.

"Because I love you Michelangelo. And there is nothing that could make me feel other wise."

He looked at me with a huge smile spreading across his face. He made his way back over to me slowly. My breath caught in my throat as got closer and closer to me. He gently placed his hand on my good cheek, his warm breath cascaded on my face.

"Since the day I accidentally landed on your fire escape I've been in love with you. Since that day I keep falling deeper and deeper in love."

A warm feeling spread through my chest causing me to smile. Before I could even register what was going on his lips landed on mine. There was nothing holding me back, I melted into the kiss. I wrapped my arms his neck deepening the kiss, his hand slipped down to waist pulling me closer to him.

I felt him ask for entrance into my mouth and I gave it to him. Both of out tongues fought for dominance but his won. I let out a small moan causing him to smirk, he gently pushed me down on the bed without breaking our kiss.

I slowly ran my hands down his plastron, causing him to moan. He slowly kissed me down my neck gently on my bruises. We could have kept going for awhile but suddenly I heard Chanel's voice.

"No! Not on my bed!"

Orange Can Be Risky       ~Book Three of the Color Series~Where stories live. Discover now