Chapter 12

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Elizabeth's POV

"What happened on patrol?"

Chanel asked right after Mikey's door slammed shut. I was still on the floor staring up his room, blinking my tears away.

"Nothing happened . The streets were extremely quiet."

Donnie said taking a seat on the couch with an upset look on his face. Leo quietly walked over to me and helped me to my feet. I watched Kelly as she took a seat next to Donnie, and Chanel next to her. Raph stayed standing, arms crossed over his chest a look of guilt and worry on his face.

"Well something had to happen. I mean did you see him."

Kelly said. Master Splinter sat down in the recliner his face was almost emotionless.

"My sons you need to replay the events of the night."

He said as he looked at his eldest son. Leo nodded and took in a deep breath.

"Everything was normal we stuck together until the last 30 minutes."

Splinter raised a brow. Donnie spoke up.

"We did it to cover our last two miles. I went with Leo and Mikey went with Raph."

All eyes turned to Raph. He was looking down at his feet, fidgeting slightly.

"Raphael did anything happen during that time?"

Splinter asked while stroking his goatee. Raph sighed and looked up with sadness in his eyes.

"Would now be a good time to mention that we were split up?"

Everyone gave him looks of shock and disbelief.

"Why didn't you say something sooner?! "

Leo yelled. Raph looked like he was about to get angry, but it soon went away as he sighed again.

"I figured you'd get mad at us and nothing seemed strange about it."

Raph said almost like a small child, I had never seen him this way, and by the looks on everyone's face neither had they.

"Alright Leo calm down. Raph how long were you an Mikey separated?"

I asked crossing my arms over my chest, raising a brow at both of them.

"Only for 10 minutes, but like I said nothing seem out of the ordinary."

Raph said. Donnie stood up and began to pace the floor.

"Something happened and the only one who knows won't tell us."

We all instinctually looked up at Mikey's room. Worry completely filled me, but so did sleepiness. I looked over at the clock in kitchen to see that it was almost one in the morning.

"Children go to bed and get some sleep. We will have to be patient and wait for Michelangelo to talk when he's ready."

Splinter said raising from his chair. None of us objected as we all slowly made our way to the stairs, that's when I realized that I had no place to sleep. Chanel must have realized this as well because she stopped on the step and turned to look at me.

"Liz you can sleep in my room, I'll sleep with Raph tonight."

She said with a smile.

"Thank you."

I said.

"What do you mean your not going to bed?"

I heard Kelly ask behind us. The four of us on the middle section of the stairs turned to look down on the bottom steps. Kelly and Donnie seemed to be having an in-depth conversation.

"I'm going to do some research in the lab. Go on to bed angel."

Donnie said as he kissed her on her forehead.

"Alright. I love you Donnie."

Kelly said giving him a slight kiss on the lips.

"Good night angel."

He said before disappearing into his lab. The rest of us made our way up the stairs and separated to our rooms. I paused at Mikey's door and felt my heart break. With a sigh I went on to Chanel's room and settled myself into sleep, hoping that when we woke up Mikey would be back to normal.


There was a loud crash that caused me to jump out of bed. Fear suddenly filled me as I ran to the door slinging it open. Raph and Leo were both in the hallway, tying their bandannas on to their faces. Neither one of them had the rest of their gear on. Leo had one katana in his hand and Raph had both of his sais.

Chanel and Kelly emerged with messy hair and pajamas, we all exchanged looks before another loud crash was heard.

"What do you think that was?"

Raph asked as we all looked into the darkness of the down stairs . I watch Kelly's eyes grow wide as she looked at us with fear.

"Donnie's still down there."

She said as she ran down the stairs.

"Kelly wait!"

Leo yelled before running after her. The rest of ran to catch up with them. When we reached the bottom floor the, the lights turned on blinding us for a moment. Before I could really see anything I heard Kelly scream, Chanel gasp, Raph curse, and Leo mumble under his breath. When I was able to see I almost fell to my knees.

Standing in front of us was Mikey with a wicked grin on his face, he didn't even look like himself. From the distance I could see his eyes, his once baby blue eyes were now solid black. I felt like crying just looking at him, but the worst part was what he was doing. In front of him was Donnie. He was on his knees , Mikey had his nunchuck around Donnie's neck. Donnie had tears slowly running down his cheeks, he had blood flowing down his neck. Fear filled me as I watched Mikey chuckle and then spoke, but it didn't sound like him at all.

"Well hello everyone. I was hoping you all would join the fun."

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