Chapter 8

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Mikey's POV

"Are you sure your okay?"

I asked as I leaned against the wall next to Donnie's lab table. I watched as Chanel unwrapped the bloody gauze from around the stitches in his right forearm. He smirked up at me.

"Mikey for the thousandth I'm fine."

He said raising his arm up for me to see it better.

"See it will be fine."

I smiled slightly as Chanel threw away the garbage.

"Yeah it was only a flesh wound Mikey."

She said as she grabbed a clean roll of gauze from the cabinet. She quietly made her way back over to me and Donnie. She stopped in front of me and gave me a sisterly pat on the cheek. Before she walked back over to Donnie.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay Don."

I mumbled. I heard him sighed.

"Mikey what happened last night was not your fault."

He said standing up to walk towards me.

"Yes it was."

I said quietly.

"You only think that because Raph yelled at you. Don't you?"

He asked. I pushed myself off the wall and walked around to the other side of his lab table, across from Chanel. She gave me a soft smile, reaching out to grab my hand.

"Michelangelo listen to me. Your brothers love you especially Raph. He would do anything to keep you safe and sometimes that means he's hard on you. He just shows his love in a different way from Leo and Donnie."

She said with a big warm smile.

"I know."

I said with a smile, forgetting the hurt I felt in my heart. Donnie walked over and patted me on the shoulder before he went back to his seat. Chanel began to wrap the clean gauze around his stitches. He smiled at me.

"So have you talked to Liz about this weekend?"

He asked with a brow raised. I chuckled at him.

"Yes and she can't wait. I need to fix up a place for her to sleep."

I said. Chanel chuckled at me.

"Why don't you clean your room and let her sleep with you?"

I gave her a confused look.

"But I thought Leo said we couldn't sleep in the same room as our girlfriends?"

This time both Donnie and Chanel chuckled at me but my confused look stayed.

"He said we shouldn't he doesn't care if we do it time to time."

Donnie said. I smirked at him.

"So you and Kelly sleep together?"

He didn't reply only winked at me, causing me to chuckle. Chanel just laughed at both of us.

"Well boys it's almost time for school to be out. Shouldn't you be getting ready to go see your girls?"

She asked making her way to the door.

"We still have a couple hours. What's the hurry Chanel?"

Donnie said with a smirk. She turned around and shot him a look.

"None of your business. Mikey remind Liz to pack and be ready for tomorrow."

With that she was out the door. Me and Donnie looked at each other shaking our heads, in unison we said.

"Women, can't live with them can't live without them."

Orange Can Be Risky       ~Book Three of the Color Series~Where stories live. Discover now