Chapter 9

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Elizabeth's POV

"Alright we'll be back in a couple of hours."

Mikey said as he put his nunchucks in his leather belt, I watched him from the couch while petting Klunk.

"You'll be careful right?"

I asked with worry in my voice. He chuckled at me before sitting next to me on the couch. His hand caressed my face.

"I always am sweetheart."

He said leaning in towards me, my breath caught in my throat as I thought that we were about to share our first kiss. I stayed still and waited for him to press his lips against mine, but instead I felt his lips press against my forehead. I smiled to hide my disappointment as he flipped over the back of the couch.

He made his way to the opening where Leo stood with his back to us, waiting patiently for his brothers. It wasn't the first time I had seen it, but just like the first time, the sight of Leo's scar captivated me. It was a long thick scar that started in the middle of his left shoulder blade and ended at his elbow. I was pulled from my thoughts when heard Kelly and Donnie coming out of the lab.

"Do you have your T-phone?"

Kelly said as Donnie place his hand on her shoulder.

"Yes I have it. Angel please stop worrying, it's just like ever other time we go out into patrol."

He said before kissing her passionately, causing her cheeks to turn red. When they pulled away she gave a playful shove as they continued to make their way over to the others. She shook her head and looked up at him.

"I know, but I have a bad feeling about tonight."

She said with all seriousness. Carefully I rose from the couch to join the others, with Klunk on my heels.

"Maybe you just have gas dudette."

Mikey said in a joking tone. Snickers filled the room as Kelly just looked at him slightly annoyed. Donnie chuckled as he pulled her into a hug and mumbled something into her ear making her smile, before going to stand by Leo and Mikey. Leo look at his two youngest brothers before running to look at me and Kelly.

"Where's Raph?"

His deep voice asked. Before either of us could answer the dojo door flew open, reveling a very angry couple.

"You are such a jerk!"

Chanel yelled as stormed by us trying to make her way to the stairs, but Raph was right behind and grabbed her wrist before she could make it any further.

"I'm a jerk?! Your just a pissy little brat who cries when she can't get her way!"

He yelled back his face as red as his bandanna.

"Let go of me!"

She yelled as she slapped him across the face making the rest of us gasp. Raph froze for a moment his look of anger turned in a devilish smirk. He looked Chanel deep in the eyes making her calm down slightly.

"God I love you."

He said before smashing his lips into hers. She froze for a moment but melted into his embrace. Their kiss lasted awhile making the rest of us blush and look away. Finally Leo made a loud cough reminding them that we were still there. They pulled away both gasping for air.

"We should be leaving now if you guys want to be back in three hours."

Leo said looking at his brothers, as Raph joined them and Chanel joined me and Kelly.

"Be safe you guys."

The three of us said close to unison, and we stood there to watch the four brothers disappear into the darkness of the sewers.


"So Liz when are you an Mikey going to actually kiss?"

Chanel asked me as she took a bite of her pizza. The three of us were gathered into Chanel's room, well four if you count Klunk. Chanel sit in the stool she uses to paint, placing her food and Mt.Dew on the dresser. Kelly, Klunk and I sat on the bed, our empty plates sat on the floor and we held our pops in our hands.

"I don't know, I guess I'm waiting for him to make the first move."

I said taking a sip of my orange crush.

"Piece of advice: the boys never make the first move."

Kelly said as she took a drink of her water bottle. Chanel nodded in agreement, taking another bite of her pizza.

"So I need to make the first move."

I asked as Klunk climbed into my lap. Kelly nodded and said.

"Yes make the first move, take a risk."

She said as she pulled her curly hair out of its tie.

"Because we know that the orange clad brother is not risky."

Chanel said in a sarcastic tone. We snickered for a moment.

"Trust me, orange can be risky."

I said with a smile the two of them nodded in agreement with big smiles, but suddenly Kelly's face turned serious.

"Guys I have a really bad feeling about tonight that I just can't shake."

She said looking at the two of us with worry in her eyes. I couldn't deny that I had the same feeling in my gut since the moment the boys left, but I was afraid to say anything. So I just nodded in agreement with her and turned to look at Chanel who had worry written all over her, and I knew then she had the same feeling. She looked at the two of us and said.

"Let's just hope and pray that our guts are lying."

Orange Can Be Risky       ~Book Three of the Color Series~Where stories live. Discover now