Part 1

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The school's first bell of the day rang. "It is now 7 am. Students, please enter your classroom. It is now 7 am. Students, please enter your classroom." All students went to their classroom after hearing the announcement.

"Athy, we should get going too."



"It is now break time. Students, you have 20 minutes of break time. Please use it wisely. It is now break time--"

"Why do they have to repeat twice?"

"Just in case you're deaf"

"Lucas! This is the ninth year we're in the same class and I see you still haven't change a bit, huh?"

"Maybe this is the only class in our grade."

"Don't bluff. It's just the school system."

"Ijekiel's right, and Jeannette is in different class, don't try to fool me."

"Whatever. Oh, speak of the devil."

"ATHYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!" The three of them looked at the direction where the voice came from, only to find Jeannette running towards Athanasia.

"Jeannette, you're not supposed to run in the hallway!" As expected, she got told off by the teacher who was just passing by. "Sorry..."

The four of them went head to the canteen together and met up with their other friends. As usual, one person would buy food while the rest look for seats.

"So... Who's on duty today?"

"Athanasia, don't try to confuse us by asking that question."

"Fine, you got me. Be right back." And off she go, slipping through the crowd to buy food for everyone. Suddenly, a group of boys surrounded her...

"You're amazing, Lucas. I actually got confused when Athy asked that."

"For a second, I thought it's Tuesday."

"She always does that every Wednesday when it's her turn."

Athanasia came back with her arms full of food.

"Woah that was quick... and so much?!" Jeannette went to help her carry some.

"The guys gave me for free."

"That's cheating! You're supposed to treat us."

"I did ran an errand for you."

"Tch, fine. Lucas, it's your turn tomorrow."

"Don't worry, I don't push responsibilities unlike a certain someone..."

"Who are you talking about?" Athanasia gave Lucas a death glare.

"...nothing. Don't talk while eating."

"Says the person who's doing so."


"Aww, break time is over..."

"We should hurry or the teacher will get mad."

"See you after school!"


Hello! We meet again~ I plan to make this book more simple so there might be dialogues more than narrating. Thank you so much for those who supported me since my first book <3 For those who do not know, check out my profile ^^


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