Part 9

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There's so much homework even though it's Saturday... no, it's because it's Saturday so teacher gave us lots of homework to do while we're at home. Geez!

Hm let's see what's the most difficult homework...

I flipped through the books to find the most difficult one to do first. That's how I always do work, although it always ends up to be math--

I knew it. It's really math again!

"If 3n+2=17, find the value of n. Okay I know this."

[1 hour later]

"...What is the length of side AB... hold on let me text Ijekiel."

"Sorry, I'm not home hehe"

Tch. Jeannette then.

"Oh Ijekiel didn't tell you? We're having a family gathering :D"

Cabel, please... although I doubt he's of any help.

"Homework who?"

I knew it. Sigh. Guess I'll ask mummy.

So I went to mummy's room, but she wasn't there. The kitchen, maybe? So I went to the kitchen, and smelled some delicious food. I didn't want to interrupt her cooking.

What about daddy?

Oh. He's sleeping soundly on the sofa again. I can't wake him up.

So I went back to my room.

"Ijekiel and Jeannette are out, Cabel don't even want to recognize homework, Helena said she's on a holiday for a week, I don't have Carl's number, all that's left is..."

Okay now this might be the best and worst choice.


"I rather wreck my brain than communicating with that brat."

But she messaged him anyway.




Oh that was fast.

"find the length of AB"

"u didn't even tell me the question how am I supposed to answer that"

"look at ur damn book i know you're at home"

"well i am but i'm busy. aren't you busy too?"


"I'm busy breathing"

"how can u not be?"

Oh come on! This is why I didn't want to contact him.

Athanasia did not reply Lucas afterwards and figured out the question by herself. The truth is, she knows how to do it, but was just too lazy to think. Soon, it's lunch time.

"Sweetheart, lunch is ready~"

"Okay, mum."

I swept the eraser dust on my table and stacked the remaining homework together. Guess the rest have to wait until after lunch.

"What happened, sweetheart? You look pale."

"Argh. That's just too much homework to be done in two days."

"Oh! Glad you said it out loud. Next week, you don't have to worry about that anymore."


Then I realized, daddy heard it!

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