Chapter 15

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Finally, the day of the final round of the Chunin Exams came.

Tsukiyo woke up extra early, primarily due to the 16 hours of high-quality sleep she got.

She showered and got dressed, choosing to dress in a black blouse and skirt. Why? Blood doesn't show on black.

Tsukiyo doesn't want to look like an abstract painting on such an important day.

She hummed as she checked over all the posts that are stationed.

"You're in quite a good mood today, Yozora-san." Buraku remarked as he handed in his monthly report. Due to the abundance of work Koberi was handed with for the last couple of weeks, Tsukiyo gave her a couple days of break and started enslaving Buraku.

"Oh don't even think about it," Tsukiyo took one look at him knew he had something planned. "I'll have you flayed like a piece of art if one of your little tricks appeared at the wrong time."

"What are you talking about, Tsukiyo-sama?" Buraku gave her a closed-eyed, innocent smile. "Your plans are of utmost importance to me."

Rolling her eyes, she set his report aside. "I'll finish it later."

Stepping outside, her good mood was immediately ruined by Orochimaru, who was leaning on an nearby tree.

Tsukiyo silently reminded herself to cut the salary of her Defenses Manger by half.

"What do you want?" She said as she walked briskly down the hill, not looking at him.

"Why, I only want what is rightfully mine, of course?" He followed behind her down the path.

"The Uchiha is already at your doorsteps in Oto!" She replied, exasperated. "I can't very well bring an Uchiha into the village, tie him up, and throw him through your hotel window, can I?"

"I truly hope you're speaking the truth, Tsukiyo-chan." He gave her a meaningful stare, then slithered away. Literally.

"Yeah yeah," she muttered under her breath, glad that she will soon be rid of him. Forever.

Her mood was only lifted when she picked up each of her students. Naruto, unsurprisingly, overslept, Sasuke tired himself out sparring with Kakashi, only Sakura was somewhat presentable.

"When will you two be mature enough for me to not worry?" She rubbed her brow, head starting to ache already. Naruto is fine, but Sasuke is nowhere near peak condition.

I guess I'll have to put him last, she thought.

"Try to heal him to the best of your abilities," Tsukiyo told Sakura, who nodded furiously.

Then, hesitating a little, she pulled Sasuke aside where the others won't hear them.

"No matter what happens in the exam," she whispers, "use your Sharingan and trust yourself."

He looked a little confused, but nodded firmly. She sighed, knowing that they're not on the same page.

Ushering them into the arena, Tsukiyo felt a strange pride well up in her chest.

"Planning a flashy entrance?" Kakashi said lazily as he stepped next to her in the entrance.

She smirked at him.

"You bet."

Jumping onto the tallest building nearby, Tsukiyo whistled hard. The sound spread far and wide, a crisp as a twig snapping.

A bird with flaming feathers shot out of the forest near the Yozora compound, creating gusts of wind that nearly tore branches from the trucks. It swooped over the building and Tsukiyo jumped onto its back.

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