Chapter 11

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As they walked back to the Yozora compound, Tsukiyo explained to Shisui what he would have to do.

"I just need you to pretend to be me and appear in several places throughout the Chunin exams. There's going to be a lot of people watching me, so I can't use a Kage Bushin, and out of everyone I know, you have the best chakra control and the least chance of your Transformation Jutsu being seen through."

"I see," he nodded. "What about the plans and paperwork?"

She laughed. "Don't worry, I got that all planned out for you. And if any new emergency arises, Koberi here will take care of it for you." Tsukiyo gestured to the young woman wearing a kimono standing a few feet in front of side door of the compound. If Koberi was surprised to see Uchiha Shisui, she didn't show it.

Once inside, she handed him the full set of Root ANBU uniform, which he quickly changed into.

"You'll pretend to be one of the Root ANBUs guarding me as I contact everyone you'll be meeting with for the Chunin Exams." After a moment, she quickly added. "Is that okay?"

"Of course," Shisui smiled at her. "You don't have to be so careful around me. Just because I died once doesn't mean I'm going to break like glass."

"You say that, but..." she trailed off thinking of other things, then shook her head violently. "That's enough, let's head out."

She first met with her students in their usual training ground.

"How are preparations coming along?" She inquired.

"I'm ready," Sasuke said as cold as ever.

"I reviewed some Jonin level materials, including many medical ninjutsu, fuinjutsu, and kinjutsu." Sakura added.

Tsukiyo raised and eyebrow. "Maybe hold back a little, don't go too overboard."

Sakura smiled sheepishly.

"And you, Naruto-kun?"

Naruto glared at Sasuke, then shouted to the sky. "I'm ready!" It was evident he was bluffing and just didn't want to lose to Sasuke. Tsukiyo hid a smile behind her hand.

"Very well then," she concluded. "As you might know, I am the overall moderator for the Chunin Exams, which is why officially, I need to transfer you over to Kakashi-kun."

All three nodded.

"The exam starts in a couple of days, so I've found a few teachers that will train you since I won't be able to."

"Say, say, what will my teacher teach me?" Naruto interjected with stars in his eyes.

"That's not for me to say," Tsukiyo said mildly. "Come," she gestured for them to follow her.

They first walked to the KIA stone, where, unsurprisingly, sat Kakashi.

"Wake up sleepyhead," she poked him with the tip of her scabbard.

"I'm not sleeping," he protested.

"So you've finally learned how to talk to the dead?" She retorted. "Get up, you're going to be teaching Sasuke chidori."

Kakashi stood up and his expression hardened. "It's too soon."

Tsukiyo rolled her eyes. "That's an argument you'll have to make with Sasuke." She gestured with her sword for him to step forward. "I look forward to seeing you during the exam."

Then, ignoring Kakashi's complaints, she turned to leave.

Next, they went to the hot spring. Tsukiyo heard news of Jiraiya returning (mostly women's screams when she passed nearby streets), and just as she expected, he was there, peeking through the cracks between the wood.

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