Chapter 20

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Naruto was training with the Kyubi's power. Although the fox gave its consent, it didn't bother to teach Naruto. Because of this, Tsukiyo had to look through the records Uzumaki Mito left behind to see if there were any specific tactics.

Thankfully, unlike Kushina, Mito kept her techniques and experience in a scroll sealed away in Konoha's S-rank jutsus documentation room. Tsukiyo had to spend some time "persuading" Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura, but in the end, she got it.

Sakura started training with Haku again, who actually quite liked her. But again, Haku likes everyone.

Although Tsukiyo took Sasuke to be her desi, she didn't actually plan on training him, at least not yet. The Uchiha clan was "massacred" when he was six, and he hadn't received much standardized guidance before. As a result, his foundations were not as solid as she'd like them to be.

Using the excuse of busyness, Tsukiyo tossed Sasuke into Itachi's arms. First, as an Uchiha, Sasuke was defenseless against Tsukiyo's genjutsu. This needed to change. Second, as an Uchiha, Sasuke was not able use his Sharingan to judge the situation as quickly and precisely as Itachi can, so he needs to improve on that. Lastly, the brothers need some time together to completely reconcile.

It is definitely not because Tsukiyo haven't figured out what to teach Sasuke yet.

With the three children out of the way, Tsukiyo can now finally focus on swaying the Elder's Council. To be come Hokage, she needs to first pass a voting by the Jonins in the village, then gain the support of daimyo, the Elder's Council, and the Jonin commander, Nara Shikaku.

Officially, she has to gain the support of all three, but it is not impossible to become a Hokage with just two of the three. Shikaku is not going to support her no matter what she does, so Tsukiyo turned her eyes toward the Elder's Council.

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura all have some dirt on them, as do Danzo. Homura's is not horrible, only using his status on the council to take advantage of weapon shops for lower prices, but Koharu is different. Tsukiyo knew she has been conducting experiments and sending the results to someone, but she just can't figure out who. If she finds out who the recipient is, the crime can be used to threaten Koharu to her side.

With the date of the Jonin voting looming, Tsukiyo still haven't found anything.

It was at this time that Fugaku returned.

"Thank god you're back," she exclaimed when Koberi led him in. "I thought Orochimaru got the better of you."

Fugaku lived, but the reason he was not seen in the village was because Tsukiyo sent him to kill Orochimaru. The reason is simple, Orochimaru figured out the truth before the Uchihas were ready to reenter the world. She promised him a Mangekyo Uchiha to steady him, then sent two letters: one to Itachi, and one to Fugaku.

The one to Itachi told him to meet a Root ANBU at a specific place and give him the Sword of Totsuka. Fugaku's instructions were similar, except he was receiving the sword and will use it to seal Orochimaru.

The battle itself did not take long, but the aftermath was much more troublesome than anyone expected.

Orochimaru had no less than two dozen bases all around the world, and Fugaku had to go to each, decipher the fuinjutsu covering it, kill the guards inside, and bring back all of his experimental data.

Looking at the jutsus Orochimaru was working on over the years, Tsukiyo had to agree that he truly deserves the title of a scientific prodigy. She presumed that only Nidaime would be able to surpass Orochimaru in the field of creation.

These information greatly aided some of the experiments she and Danzo were doing, but the surprise did not end there. Orochimaru did not merely created a shinobi village, he also infiltrated one: Kusa. Flipping through his papers, Tsukiyo felt like she won the lottery when she found that the results of Koharu's experiments were going toward Kusa.

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