Chapter 18

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After leaving the Uchiha brothers, Tsukiyo first went to the daimyo's room. Unsurprisingly, he had the best view and the most comfortable equipment in the entire hospital.

"I heard you defeated the Ichibi Jinchuriki, is that so?" He asked as he turned a page in the book he held, not bothering to look up at her.

"That is indeed so," Tsukiyo replied, not bothering to sit down.

"Although I am a bit...unsatisfied you did not warn me before hand, I am not old enough that a mere genjutsu will render me bedridden. I tried swaying the clan leaders that came to visit me, and so far the only clans that seem to openly oppose you is the Naras, the Akimichi, and the Yamanaka. However, you should beware of the Inuzukas and the Aburames as well. Their attitudes were a bit unclear." The daimyo spoke slowly, then turned another page in his book. How he mastered to talk and read at the same time, Tsukiyo doesn't know. All she knows is that she needs to work hard the next few weeks.

"Thank you," she nodded politely as she placed a file on his beside table. "This is the list of blackmailing material on Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu. We don't have much on Mitokado, but once I get the client of Utatane's experiments, I can force her to my side and I'll have the support of the council as well."

"Good." The daimyo waved his hand dismissively, and Tsukiyo backed out of the room. He's one of the best partners she's ever had in her life, and she wants to live up to his expectations.

After returning to the Yozora compound, Tsukiyo first instructed Koberi to start financing the reform projects in the village. Since she knew Orochimaru would release his snakes, she had lumber and many other repair materials already ordered and are just waiting for them arrive. This greatly increased her popularity among the people.

Second, she started preparing gifts for the clan leaders. She already has the ones for the Ino-Shika-Cho and the Hyuga clans, but did not expect the change in attitude of the Aburame and Inuzuka clans. As a result, Tsukiyo sent out a couple of her teams to capture the Bikochu and buy sensory boosting pills.

Lastly, she attended the funeral of Sandaime. Looking at the lowered faces around her, Tsukiyo wanted to laugh. Out of all in the village, how many are truly sad? How many is secretly overjoyed at the new opportunities that come with Sandaime's death? She believes there are much more of the latter than the former. After all, Shishinjin, the sealing barrier which caused Sandaime's death, is only a B-rank fuinjutus. Konoha, the village that gained most, if not all, of the Uzumaki's fujintsus after the fall of Uzushiogakure, should have unsealed it with ease.

The next day, the council announced the candidates for Godaime Hokage. Due to her recent achievement by defeating the Ichibi Jinchuriki, "reviving" the Uchiha clan, and helping reconstructing by donating her own money, more and more people supported her. However, she is still much younger than Tsunade, a fact that many people uses to support their claim of her lack of experience. In addition, Tsunade is a medical ninja that saved thousands in the Third Great Ninja War, many of whom were Jonins.

But all hope is not lost. Tsunade's absence and her hemophobia has decrease the people's hopes in her somewhat. Tsukiyo plans to take advantage of this.

She begun by visiting the Hyuga clan.

"I'm here to see Hiashi-san," she said politely as a Hyuga clansmen opened the door.

Swallowing a bit, he gestured for her to come inside and led the way to the center of the compound. As they passed, Tsukiyo noted how polished and elegant the porches and houses were compared to the run down ones of the Uchiha clan. But what can she say? Her shisho was the one who "borrowed" all the Uchiha's money after the clan disappeared. She will have to repay them.

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