▪️Chapter 5

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"What drink do you want?" I asked Aira through the phone. It's only 7:30 AM as the interview will start in half an hour.

Since all of them are taking their beauty time to get ready, I've decided to go early and buy some drinks.

"Are you at the cafe?" Aira asked instead of answering my question.

"Yeah. Hurry up! I'm up next" I urged her when I saw the person in front of me is already paying.

"Just buy anything. I don't mind" she answered with a small squeak. I rolled my eyes jokingly.

"How about Xera and Seyong?" I asked.

"They don't mind too" she said after few seconds of silence.

"All right" I said quickly before hanging up the phone. The person in front of has walk away as I slowly step up front. The guy at the counter give me a bright smile.

"Hello, welcome to our cafe. What would you like to order?" he asked in a cheerful voice. Damn, it's morning.

"Hi, I would like to order 4 Cappuccino, please" I said, trying my best to sound polite.

"4? Why don't you make it 5? We have a promotion where you can buy 5 drinks and pay for the price of only three drinks" he smiles, letting out a small chuckle.

Wait, that's actually good.

"Well, does it works the same for 10?" I asked with an awkward smile. His eyes lit up before he nod quickly.

"Yes! We would even give you another free drink!" he smiles cheerfully.

"Really? Okay then. I'll take 10" I said with a small smile. He nod as I pay him the exact price for the drinks before proceeding to do his work.

I can give the extra to Junhee.

A week living with them is quite interesting. Their true colors starts to show in each day and some of them are actually good. They were all nice to me except that girl who now I know as Lee Na. She really does hold grudges against me.

But then, I don't really care.

I turn my gaze to look at the big glass window. Since it's still early in the morning, the sun is about to rise. My lips tug a smile at how beautiful the sky looked with the mix of pink and orange.

Unexpectly, a figure has caught my eyes. He sat right beside the big window. I frown slightly as I try to recognize his face. But what can I do? He's wearing a mask.

He reminds me of someone but I don't know who. I was about to mind my own bussiness when the thought of the guy I ran onto at the grocery store with Hyunjin pop in my mind. I quickly take a look at the person again.

Yes. They look exactly the same. He even wear the same fluffy coat he wore last time!

Should I approach him?

Trainee's Life // S.CoupsWhere stories live. Discover now