▪️Chapter 30

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"Do your best, okay? Make us all proud of you" Aira's voice ringed in my ears. I smiled. I will make you proud of me.

"Haera, you good? Today is your last class before the stage. I'm hoping for a great perfomance from you" Veronica said as she glance at me from the computer. I nod.

"I will do my best" I smiled. Actually, I'm not confident with my perfomance. I didn't practice as much as I needed. Too many things came up, I didn't have time.

"Okay then, you may start" Veronica said as she play the song. Vanessa smiled at me from the sofa, supporting me.

I take in a deep breath before starting to dance and sing to the song.

"You're not smooth enough. The dance looks horrible! Did you even practice?" Veronica groaned as she stopped the song halfway.

"You need to be quick when you're dancing. We don't need something sloppy. You looked hesitate in the whole choreograph. Do you even remember the steps?" she asked, looking at me sternly as she waited for my reply.

"I'm sorry, I was distracted lately and I couldn't have enough practice" I apologized, bowing.

"You must be taking this song as a joke, right? Just because it's a joyful and a carefree song, doesn't mean you can dance to it with exactly no stamina!" she yelled.

"Your stage is in two days! How are you going to pass if your dancing skills are this bad?" she continued. I look down, taking in all the words she's giving, feeling tears swelling up inside me.

"Tomorrow. I'll come back and see your improvements tomorrow. If it doesn't change, I'm sorry but I don't think you can pass this stage" she said coldly before leaving the room, slamming the door hard.

"Haera, please don't take her words by heart. You can do this, trust me, okay?" Vanessa tried to comfort me. I give her my best smile despite of my watering eyes.

"Yeah, thank you" I thanked her. She smiled sadly, patting my shoulder before going after Veronica.

I look at my reflection in the big mirror.

"If it doesn't change, I'm sorry but I don't think you can pass this stage" Veronica's voice ringed in my ears. I close my eyes tight.

"You can do this, Haera" I tried to encourage myself, cracking my eyes open as I look at my reflection in the mirror. I dance to the song repeatly, trying my best to improve my dancing skills.

Two days. I have two days to work hard. I can't waste any time.


"Damn, Haera. It's almost 10 PM. Did you even rest?" Xera asked, not believing me. Oh damn, I didn't lie when I said I'm going to work hard.

"Have you eaten? Do you want us to bring some food?" Seyong's worried voice could be heard from other line.

"No, it's fine. I've eaten" I lied. I don't even step out of the practice room. Luckily, no one was practicing in this room today.

"Really?" Xera asked for confirmation.

"Yes, I did" I chuckled dryly.

"Fine. Don't be out too long. You need rest too" Xera reminded. I hummed.

"Are you sure you don't want us to bring some snacks? Or food?" Seyong asked me once again, for confirmation. I smiled.

"Yes, I'm sure. You guys can head to bed first. I'll practice a bit more" I said before ending the call. Now when they mentioned it, I'm suddenly hungry.

I grab the half empty mineral bottle on the table and took a big gulp out of it.

My body feel so sore. I should stop, but my dance isn't perfect yet.

"Why do I keep wasting my time thinking about those unimportant things?" I sighed, remembering the few things that happened this week.

Suddenly, a soft knock has snap me out from my train of thoughts.

"Yeah?" I asked, but there was no answer.

° Unknown Point Of View °

"Is it bad if I want to keep him for myself?" she asked, probably referring to Vernon. I look at her. I see how her eyes twinkle, showing how she mean the words.

It hurts me, knowing that she likes someone else.

"Even though he hurt me, he used to make me feel special. He used to give me happiness. He cheered me up when I'm sad and believe or not, he was there for me when I'm sad and when I failed to learn the dances" she said quietly, drop of tears falling down her cheeks.

No, don't cry. It hurts me to see you cry.

I swear I want to wipe off those precious tears from her cheeks. But I can't.

"I feel so lonely" she said, her breath were shaking.

"I'm here with you. You're not alone" I tried to comfort her. I am always here with you, every single day.

"I wanted to be loved" she said sadly.

I do love you.

"I want someone to tell me that I've been doing great and amazing after a very tiring day" she told me.

"I want to have someone that can compliment me everyday even with the smallest things I've achieved" I spilled.

I will. I promise you, I will.

"I want to be special in someone's life" she said quietly, hiding her face in between her knees, crying. I was hesitating, but I shrug away before hugging her, tight.

"Don't worry, you'll find him. You'll find someone who can make you feel happy. You will" I told her carefully.

Is it selfish of me, if I want her to always be sad? If she's sad, I could always be there to comfort her, and hug her.

"Stop it" she pushed me away, looking at me with hatred in her eyes. I frowned.

"Don't try to comfort me nor gain my trust when you won't even show me your face" the word hurts so bad. I did not hide my identity from you for fun, Haera.

"Please leave" her voice came out weak as she look down. She looks so vulnerable right now that I want to keep her in my arms.

"Please" she repeated, turning her body away from me. I can feel a sharp pain on my chest before I slowly stand up and leave the room.

The memories of yesterday slipped back in. I look at the drink and bread in my hands. I smiled at myself before placing both of the food on the floor, in front of the door.

I knock on the door softly before hearing a soft "Yeah" after. I melt at her soft voice before quickly walking away from the door.

{End of Chapter 30}
Thanks for reading, see you!

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