▪️Chapter 3

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I look at my side to see both of my luggages are perfectly packed. I smile at my little achievement.

I grab my tote back beside the nightstand and grope inside of the bag to find my identification card that I got few days before. Fortunately, it's there.

I sat on bed as I examine the identification card.

"If I succeed, I will be an idol" I said to myself.

"And you will succeed" a voice interupted. I look up to see Minho leaning on the door frame. He gave me a small smile before taking a seat beside me, on the bed.

He slowly grab my identification card and let out a snort. I look at him with a frown.

"You looked ugly in here" he laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Well at least better than yours" I retorted. He laughed out loud.

"Whatever keep you asleep at night" he sang, before standing up from the bed and reach for my hand.

"Let's go" he said, mentioning me to take his hand. I look at his hand for a moment before grabbing it, standing up from the bed.

"When you're already succeed, don't forget to buy me a meal" he said, with a small smile.

"I will buy you the whole menu!" I cheered, grabbing my tote bag as Minho bring both of my luggage towards the living room.

"Damn, girl. You looked hot" Changbin cooed. I laughed.

"I know, I look so fine right now" I teased, know well enough that he hates his own song, "Wow". He grunted before surrendering.

"You're leaving now?" Jeongin look at me with a small pout. I nod, opening my arms. He smiled before hugging me. The others eventually joined the hug.

"Take care. Tell me if someone bother you, I'll kick their ass" Chan winked. I let out a heartful laugh.

"I'll tell you right away" I winked back.

"I wish you all the best" Seungmin said as he place his hand on my shoulder. I nod.

"Come here if you have free time, I will bake you brownies!" Felix cheered happily.

"If I could, I would come here every single day" I chuckled. They all give me a simple smile.

"I'll miss you guys" I said. They all nod.

"I know, I am someone who anyone would always miss" Han said sassily. I rolled my eyes, not even bother to hide my smile.

"I guess we should go now" Minho said, resting his arm on my shoulder. I nod.

"Bye guys!" I said, waving shortly before walking out of their dorm with Minho and Chan. They're both sending me to Pledis Entertainment.

It took us only few minutes before arriving. I got out of the car as well as Minho. I look at the building in awe and soon enough, Minho joined me. He hand me my luggage before looking at me.

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