▪️Chapter 9

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I sat on the bench in the waiting room quietly as I nervously played with my fingers. I will be called in few minutes for my photoshoot.

I have a lot of tangling thoughts in my head like, will I look good? Is everything's gonna be fine? Am I going to humilate myself? Will people like me by looking at my pictures?

I sigh loudly, looking down. I don't even know how to pose.

"Lee Haera" a soft voice called as a woman slightly older than me, look around the tiny waiting room with her hand holding a clipboard firmly. I quickly raise from my seat.

"Here" I raise my hand before walking towards her. She gave me a polite smile before leading the way towards the place where the photoshoots were held.

As we're in the huge and hidden room, another woman came to us and took over the first lady's job. She lead me all the way to a slightly smaller room, where I noticed has different type of outfits and make up tools. I soon recognise it as a dressing room.

"Please sit over there and someone will put on some suitable makeup for you. Your outfit will be choosen and you need to change right after you're done with your makeup" she said before leaving towards the tiny closet. I walk to one of the dressing table that are obviously full with various type of makeup.

Soon enough, the woman mentioned came and give me a small smile before starting to put some basic makeup on me. I stare at her in awe. She's so good with putting makeup on people. Well, what do I expect? It's her speciality.

"You're done! You can go change to your outfit now" she said as she throw a final gaze at me before showing me where my outfit and the fitting room is. I murmured a sincere thanks before grabbing my outfit and went inside the fitting room.

I put on the outfit, which is a black dress that end below my knees as the sleeves end below my elbow. It's cute, I really like it.

When I walk out of the fitting room, the makeup artist gave me a compliment before putting some accessories like necklace, bracelet and ring for me. She didn't forget to include a cute little hairpin to slightly pin my hair.

I look at the mirror in awe. They're so good at finding people's taste and style.

"Come on, I'll take you to the photoshoot area now" the woman earlier said as she lead me the way. I give her a small nod, following after her.

"You're Lee Haera?" asked a very handsome guy who's holding an expensive looking camera.

"Yes, I am" I answered, bowing slightly.

"Good. Go stand on the platform and just be yourself" he said with a small smile. I followed his order then look at him awkwardly.

What should I do?

"Give me a pose, sweetheart" he said sweetly once he's done setting up his camera. I swear I blushed. I faked a cough before awkwardly finding a side and pose to do.

Damn, I should ask some advice from Minho.

"More, I need more" desperation could be heard in his tone. I gulped before trying my best, or I thought was.

It took me around an hour for the photoshoots and the introduction video. As soon as I'm done with my little schedule, I got a free time so I went to grab some drinks.

I walk in the too familiar cafe and take a seat near the window right after I ordered my smoothies.

I throw my gaze outside of the glass window. The sun is shinning so bright. It looks pretty for some reason. My lips slowly carve a smile. A little stroll at the park may be wonderful.

I ignored my surroundings in the almost packed cafe as I sip on my smoothies calmly. Enjoying the beautiful scenery. My plan was distracted as someone pulled the seat in front of me. I quickly change my gaze towards the person in front of me.

Shit. Dear heart, be prepared.

"Hello, mind if I sit here?" Vernon asked me with a cheeky smile. I blinked hard as if it could vanish the nervousness in me, before nodding my head. My heart was fluttering at how he grab down his mask and give me a sweet smile.

"Bonon! You can't sit with just anyone. Get back here!" another voice whisper-yelled as another familiar figure came in the view.

"What do you mean? I know her" Vernon whined as he look at angry Seungkwan.

"You know her?" Seungkwan asked as he is now standing right in front of me and take a deep look of my face. I got flustered at how he stared at me.

"Don't look at her like that. You're creeping her out" Vernon reminded as he slowly pull Seungkwan to sit next to him.

"I never saw her before" I visibly heard Seungkwan whispered to Vernon. Vernon let out a small chuckle before turning to look at me.

"Haera, this is Seungkwan. Seungkwan this is Haera. She's the new trainee our company picked" Vernon introduced us to each other. I look at Seungkwan with a nervous smile as I bowed slightly.

"Nice to meet you" Seungkwan said with a small smile as he reach out his hand for me to shake. We shake hands as he quickly get into the comfort zone.

"So how did you guys meet? I never bumped into any of you before" Seungkwan asked, mentioning me and the team, as he look in between me and Vernon.

"I first saw her at the company. In the elevator. She bought drinks and her hands was full so I helped her and I guess, we're friends now" Vernon chuckled lightly. Even though he mentioned 'friends', I couldn't help but to blush at his words. Seungkwan nod as his mouth made the shape 'o'.

"Cool then" he chirped. All three of us talked for some time before they need to leave. I leave the cafe awhile after their gone and walk all the way towards the flower park near my dorm.

I look at the beautiful flowers that just recently blooms. The colorful colors of the flowers has gave me some sort of comfort. I breathe in the fresh air as I open my arms wide and did a little twirl before laughing at my stupid action.

When I've satisfied being with the flowers, I walked all the way home and slumped on my half-fluffy bunk beds with my eyes closed.

"You've done your photoshoots?" Xera's voice ringed in my ears. I crack my eye open and sit on the bed to face her who is casually leaning on her bed's headboard.

"Yeah. I finished earlier to be honest, but I kinda hangout for awhile" I chuckled lightly. She nod, understanding.

"Oh, how's your first class? Is Miss Vanessa fierce?" Xera asked with a bit of fear in her tone. I shook my head quickly.

"You don't need to worry. She's as kind and sweet as a cotton candy" I joked and lowkey praising Vanessa.

I remembered how cheerful and kind she was earlier. Not even once has she ever raised her voice at me even when I sing wrong or whatsover. She's the sweetest.

"Good then. I don't really like pressure" Xera confessed. I smile, shrugging.

"Ah, I can't believe our first stage is in less than two weeks! It feels like only yesterday Junhee said we will have a month before the stage" Xera whined as she lay on her bed with a big sigh. She moves her leg up and down, hitting the poor bed as she squirm on her bed, showing how frustated she is. I chuckled lightly before I shake my head at her childish behaviour.

"I can't believe it either" I said with a sigh before laying on my bed. I look at the wood of the upper bed above me, thinking about my future.

Will I.. succeed?

{End of Chapter 9}
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