▪️Chapter 6

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"Okay I'll pick randomly. Whoever finish their interview can go home first and do anything they want" Junhee said as he enter the practice room.

"Since Haera bought me a drink, you're first" he said before glancing at me. I nod, following him towards the room next door.

"Hey, tell him to pick me next so we can hang out" Aira whispered before winking crazily at me. I let out a small chuckle before mumbling a "On it".

I expected the next room to be a practice room also, but it's more like a meeting room. It has a very large long table in the middle of the room. It could probably fit almost 20 people on the table.

Junhee walk all the way to the other end of the table and take a seat before placing his drink and a file he's holding since earlier. He glance at me, letting out a small chuckle.

"Come on, take a seat" he smiles as he politely point the seat slightly beside him. I quickly nod my head before walking towards the seat.

"This is the room that we will use to discuss about the stage arrangement, so you need to get used to it" Junhee added as I took the seat. I nod slightly. He smiled before opening his file and examine the first few pages.

"Okay, since we already have some of your personal information, I just need you to introduce yourself again to make sure the information matches. Then, I'll start with the mini interview" he said. I quickly nod my head.

"Okay. You can start introduce yourself" he said. I take a deep breath before proceeding to introduce myself.

"My name is Lee Haera. I am 19 years old. I was born in Seoul on October 11th and was raised and lived in Gimpo-do. I lived with my parents and an older brother. I studied abroad, 3 years ago in Los Angeles and got back here as soon as I got accepted in the company" I paused, not knowing what to say anymore.

"Your favorite foods? And foods that you dislike?" he asked, glancing up at me.

"If you ask me, I really love steak" I let out a small chuckle.

"I can't really eat spicy foods but if it's not too spicy maybe I can handle it. I really hate vegetables but I think I should start eat them now" I added with a small sigh. Junhee let out a small chuckle.

"You need vegetables to get healthy" he pointed out. I nod, understanding.

"My brother keeps nagging at me about that" I lowkey rolled my eyes at the thought of Minho shoving the green leaves into my mouth without even stopping when I said I hate vegetables the other day.

"Oh. Talking about your brother, who is he like? I'm not writing it in the profile but I just want to know" he smiled as he put down the pen he's holding and intertwinned his own hands on the table, looking at me. Oh, didn't expect that.

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