▪️Chapter 22

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"No, he didn't! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Aira shrieked through the phone. I chuckled.

"I called you last night but you didn't answer. So I thought you're already sleeping" I argued. She sighed loudly.

"It must be Jack. I let him play with my phone to shut his mouth while I binge watch some drama" Aira confessed. I smiled.

"It's fine" I answered.

"So right now, you and Vernon are good?" Aira asked for confirmation. I quickly nod, before answering,

"Yeah, I guess so. I was so happy yesterday. I swear it was my best day ever" I cheered joyfully as I lay on my bed with a big smile plastered on my lips.

"Lucky you, I'm happy for you but I felt so lonely right now" Aira sighed. I chuckled lightly.

"You'll find the one too, Aira. Soon" I told her as I think of Bin. He told me that he would confess to Aira soon which is definitely a great news for me.

"You think so?" she asked. I hummed as a response.

"Definitely will. It's just wether you want it or not" I added.

"Right. Argh, why are we suddenly getting in my love life? Anyway, since Vernon is fine now, I guess I'll just move on from spying on him with Xera" Aira said, which got me laughing.

"You should really move on. I'm tired of stopping both of you" I chuckled lightly.

"Anyway, how about your modelling career?" I asked her. I still remember she called me the other day to tell me that a modelling agency called her, saying that they are interested in recruiting her as their new model which is the greatest news for me.

"Hm, I got a good and bad news" she started.

"Well then, tell me the good news first!" I got excited but still worried for the bad news.

"Well, my agency is going to take me to a model trainning course in a famous modelling centre" she said calmly. My lips immediately carve a big smile.

"That is so great!" I hyped her up.

"I know, but the bad news is, it's in Toronto, Canada" she continued. My smile immediately dropped. We only get to meet up once after she left.

"How long will you be there?" I asked, trying to think positive and maybe hype her up.

"Two months" she answered. My heart sinked. Not only can we hangout, but she won't be there if I succeed to debut.

"I'm sorry, Haera. I really want to turn down the offer but my agency won't let me" her voice was low as I can hear her sigh slowly.

"No, no, it's fine. I mean, it's a good thing. You need to focus on your life too, Aira" I tried my best to be positive.

"But I'm gonna miss you. And, I can't be there when you debut" she stated. I take a deep breath, turning to my side as I hold the phone with my free hand.

Trainee's Life // S.CoupsWhere stories live. Discover now