▪️Chapter 36

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"You were shaking so bad" Minho laughed out loud as soon as we walk out of the main office. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, I was scared" I said quietly, hugging myself as both of us head out of the company.

"You did great. Thank you for finally open up to other people about our relationship" he said, ruffling my hair messily. I groaned. I just styled them!

"Stop, you're talking as if we're dating" I eyed him disgustingly. He laughed heartfully.

"I mean, we are" he teasingly nudge my shoulder, probably talking about the rumors about us. I fake gagged.

"Gross" I said before Minho laughed heartfully. Not long after, my eyes were laid on S.Coups who is sitting on the sofa at the lobby. Minho saw him too.

"Okay then, I need to head back to my company. See you" he waved before walking away. Once he's out of my view, I jogged my way towards S.Coups.

"I get to join the last stage!" I chirped joyfully as I stand in front of him. He pulled down his mask and give me the brightest smile ever.

"That's good to hear! Well done, Haera" he said excitedly. I smiled, nodding my head.

"Come on, I'll treat you. For helping me" I smiled, showing him the door with my shouder.

"Sure" he agreed before going with me.

As we walk towards the cafe, I couldn't help but to stare at his face. Well, it's his fault for hiding this beautiful face behind that mask all this time.

"You're going to hit the door if you don't stop staring at me" he teased, not bothered to turn to look at me as he opened the cafe's door. I got flustered before quickly entering the cafe after him.

"I just can't believe it was you all this time. It's shameful since I liked your group, but I couldn't recognise you" I told him the truth. He shrugged, ordering his food once the waiteress came to take our order. I did the same.

"Why did you keep your identity as a secret from me? Even my brother know who you really are" I asked him, suddenly reminded of how Minho actually know he's an idol and probably know his real identity as well.

"For fun?" he said, more to asking as he teasingly smile at me.

He seems to smile a lot after he revealed his real identity to me. His smile, somehow comforts me and made me feel safe. I really love to see him smilling. Aah, what is happening to me now?

"I told your family because I want to gain their trust" he said calmly, looking at me with a shrug.

"Why do you want to gain their trust?" I asked him, confused. He stopped eating, looking at me for awhile, as if he's thinking.

"We need to gain the parents' trust if we want to seduce the daughter, right?" he winked playfully, making my heart work extra hard. I can feel my cheeks warm as I quickly throw my gaze outside of the window.

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