▪️Chapter 15

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"You said you're ready to tell me your answer?" Vernon asked with a cheeky smile as soon as he took the seat in front of me. I chuckled lightly, nodding my head.

"Then, what is it?" he asked with an eyebrow raised.

I take a deep breath, suddenly reminded of what Aira had told me earlier.

"Oh god, you should say 'yes'! Your crush is asking you out, what were you thinking?" she asked, clearly got excited for nothing.

"I don't know, it's just, it's risky. I'm a trainee and he's an idol, if the company finds out-" my words was cut off by Aira raising her hand in front of my face as she dramatically take a deep breath while closing her eyes. It took her awhile before releasing her breath.

"I know it's quite dangerous, but think about it. Vernon must had gave it a thought since he asked you out. I'm sure he has a plan and he would try his best to keep everyone in the dark, because he wants to be with you" Aira said dreamily before squealling. I chuckled.

"I'm the one who's being asked out and you're the one who got excited?" I laughed.

"I'm happy for my best friend!" she defended herself. I smiled, shaking my head.

"But then don't mind me spying over your future boyfriend. I need to know wether he's qualified or not" Aira added, which I'm thinking of as a joke.

"Yes" I blurted out. Vernon look at me with a wide smile.

"Really?" he quickly got up from his chair and pulled me towards him, lifting me up in the air as he did a little twirl.

"Vernon, put me down!" I squeaked. He laughed heartfully before slowly putting me back on my feet. He look at me dearly as he rub my bare shoulder softly.

"Thank you for asking me out" I thanked with a shy smile. He chuckled lightly, raising his hand and place it on my waist, caressing it a bit.

That's a weird choice of place but uh, okay.

"So, where do you wanna go today?" I asked excitedly.

"Let's just find some restaurants to eat to" he said already walking foward, exiting the cafe.

"Oh, okay" I smile, following after him.

The day was spent like usual, he took me to a restaurant and some places for our own entertaiment.

As soon as the sun sets, I told him that I want to go to the beach which he gladly took me.

I look at our intertwinned hand with a big smile. I can't believe I'm dating my celebrity crush.

"Why are you smilling?" Vernon teased, also looking at our intertwinned hands. My face gets warmer as soon as I got caught by him. I quickly turn away so he won't see my now beet red face.

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