▪️Chapter 16

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"During this part, make sure you fold your hand quickly. Don't wait for the beat, just right away fold it" Veronica said as she instructed the move to me. I nod, following after her.

"You're making her overwork, Roni! Spare her a minute" Vanessa complained.

"It's fine, Miss Nessa. I really want to do my best" I said enthusiastically but actually tired as well. We don't even stop ever since we started like an hour ago.

"Na'ah. Come here, sit down and drink some water. We'll continue with both dance and vocal later. Your perfomance is tomorrow, you can't overwork yourself" Vanessa said, mentioning me to go to her. I look at Veronica and she just nod before walking towards Vanessa with me.

I grab the bottle from Vanessa's hand and murmured a small thank.

"Your dance is already good, Haera. Just need to smoothen the bridge part a bit" Veronica said. I nod, placing the water bottle aside as soon as I took a sip from it.

"Your vocals are good too and your stamina is so good that you can sing while dancing amazingly" Vanessa smiles brightly. I nod.

"Thank you Miss Nessa, Miss Roni" I said as they both nod as a reply.

We spent another hour trying to make my dance perfect before they told me that I could go. I quickly went out of the practice room, running towards the lobby. I smiled at the though of meeting my boyfriend.

"Vernon!" I chirped, waving in the air as soon as I saw him standing by the front door. He turn to give me a small smile, waving as well. I smile, running towards him.

"So, where are we going?" I asked as soon as I stand beside him. He shrugged.

"I'm not sure" he said. I frowned slightly. He would always come up with a place each time we went out for lunch.

"Well, what does my girlfriend wants to eat today?" he asked with a cheeky smile. I smile widely.

"I'm actually fine with anything. But I kind of wanting to eat Chinese food" I smiled. He nod, wrapping his hand on my shoulder, before dragging me out of the company.

Damn, he's brave.


"Do you wanna go and grab some desserts later?" he asked after putting in a big dumpling in his mouth. I look at him, tilting my head slightly.

"I thought you said you're meeting a friend later?" I asked. He would be too full if he eat more.

"Oh, right" he smiled sheepishly. I shake my head slightly, not hiding my smile.

"You're done?" he asked as soon as he saw me push my plate away. I nod, wiping my lips with a tissue.

"Great, let's go" he said, rushingly getting up from his seat. I slowly get up from my seat, he went to the front counter to pay and immediately left the restaurant when he's done.

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