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❝ it's a solo mission emi ❞

˚ ༘ 第2幕 ┊ 𝘈𝘊𝘛 𝘛𝘞𝘖...

→˚₊·🎐 ੭*

CHUUYA WAS DEPRESSED WHEN emi first left the mafia, drinking his lost friend away with wine was normal for a friday night. but that was all two years ago now, chuuya now feels nothing but anger and rage towards the blonde female and her lover, dazai. jade was suffering quietly and the ginger male has no clue how to help his loved one.

emi awakes from her slumber due to the loud sound of traffic outside of the open apartment window, the sunlight slightly burning her bare pale skin as it shines through the white see threw curtains. a small yawn slips past her slightly chapped lips as she stretches, reaching out for the male that normally sleeps right besides her, her hand making contact with his waist. the blonde girl lifts her head up from the pillow and smiles as she looks at dazai's peaceful sleeping face, the male cuddled up with the sheets that covered his mostly bare chest, the girl places a small kiss on his exposed forehead as she slips out from underneath the white messy sheets.

emi slips on a shirt, covering her naked chest as she once again yawns on her way to the kitchen, her finger start to fiddle with the chain around her neck as she grabs two mugs out of the cabinet with her free hand that wasn't tangling its fingers in the chain.

jade on the other hand has been awake for hours now, not able to sleep the night before, the girl was stuck thinking about how her blonde best friend was doing, was she safe? was she happy? was emi thinking about jade as much as jade was thinking about emi. the girl's thoughts cause a loud sigh to leave her lips as her ginger haired lover leaves their shared bedroom.

"you ready for work?" the male speaks softly to the girl as he places a small kiss on her forehead, noting the tired expression on her face "mhm" she replies quickly, picking herself up from the couch and running a hand through her long raven hair as she hasn't tied it back yet "you forgetting your hair?" the male questions as he starts to pay attention to her little tired actions, "i can't be bothered chuuya" she sighs loudly, the ginger male takes quick steps towards the girl "let me help you" he speaks as he grabs her hair gently and does it in her normal work hair style, tying it back with the hair bobble around his wrist that he wore just in case. he was done with the girl's hair after a couple of seconds. "thank you" she says softly with a small smile as the male adjusts the jacket upon his shoulders.

the couple make their way out of the apartment building and make their way to work. chuuya loosely holding onto jade's hand and letting go as they step into a mafia building, jade's mask already covering her mouth as they make their way into the elevator.

emi wakes up dazai "dazaiii, we have work today" she nudges his shoulder as he lets go of a groan, "mhm i know" he says, his voice deep and tired sounding. a small smile expresses itself on emi's face as she places a small kiss on his neck, causing his eyes to open wide "emi" he threatens and she smirks as she pulls away and goes to the closet, picking up her work clothes "get up dazai" she chuckles at his flushed expression and starts to change.

half an hour later and the pair are on their way to work. emi sporting a black turtle neck, some tailored trousers and a jacket along with her normal work shoes, her now longer blonde hair tied back in a low messy bun. the couple walk into the office and greet their co-workers with small smiles and hello's.

the blonde haired female makes her way to her desk, sitting down and spinning around in her chair to face the computer screen "emi?," kenji's soft voice hits her ears and she perks up to look at the male "hey kenji, what's up?" she says with a soft smile "the president wants you in his office." the blonde boy explains and emi nods with a smile "alright, thank you" she says and he nods and goes off to his own desk. the female raises from her seat and makes her way towards the presidents office.

"jade?" a blonde female causes the raven haired girl to turn around and raise a brow "boss wants you in his office" the blonde explains and leaves in a hurry causing jade to sigh, chuuya looks at the raven haired girl with a small smile "good luck" he places a final kiss on her forehead and he walks down the hall as the girl makes her way towards the elevator, flashing her id to the guards who let her pass through quickly. the girl enters the elevator and presses the floor of mori's office.

emi places a soft knock on the wooden door and waits for a bit before a deep male voice speaks up "come in", the blonde girl opens the door slowly and makes her way into the room, closing the door behind herself "morning president, i got told you wanted me here" emi explains as she stands in front of his desk, her hands behind her back fiddling with the ears on her right pointer finger "yes. i wanted to send you on a mission," he says as he looks up at the girl and emi raises her eyebrow "what kind of mission?" she questions "it's a solo mission emi"

jade exists the elevator as it stops at the floor of his office, once again flashing her id at the guards that let her past the grand wooden doors. the girl stands in front of the doors are she spots the older male sat at his desk, with a small smirk on his face "good morning jade! lovely day huh?" he speaks and jade shrugs slightly, being known to not talk durning her time at work "not talkative as always." he chuckles and leans his chin on his palm "i'm sending you on a mission with a member of the armed detective agency" he explains and she raises her brow "to destroy a certain organisation." he smirks slightly "you'll be meeting them at midnight today," be says and jade nods, "good luck." he says with a final smirk as she leaves his office.

——— [ EDITED ] ———


𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐓, dazai osamu ✓Where stories live. Discover now