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❝...she was heaven on earth❞

˚ ༘ 第四幕 ┊ 𝘈𝘊𝘛 𝘍𝘖𝘜𝘙...

→˚₊·🎐 ੭*

THEY WERE TOGETHER ONCE, those were the happy days, but those days now felt like a dream to dazai.

dazai remembers waking up in the mornings to the bright sunlight, a harsh reminder of the new day. instead of a empty bed, he had his lover in his arms, sleeping peacefully as she always did.

dazai remembers when they first met in mori's office, as kids, he thought her blonde hair was stunning, and that her dull ocean eyes deserved to be brighter, but he didn't see her again until that day in the cafe with odasaku.

dazai remembers how smooth and healthy her hair was, and would always enjoy running his fingers through it, admiring the blonde colour of each strand. he remembers the small forehead kisses she would give him in secret behind the tea where they always sat, together. he remembered each scar that littered her beautiful smooth skin, he remembered the way his fingers use to run down the rough skin and she use to cry with a smile on her face, and told him how much she loved him, he remembered her voice, his brain couldn't forget the way her voice sounded when she was excited, sad, happy, in a mood.

but those days that he held her close were gone. and all the memories of them together seemed bittersweet in his brain now, stabbing him in the heart a million times each day as he thought about her.

and now that he stands dressed in white in front of her grave, tears running down his face as he stared at the name engraved in the stone, causing his heart to ache,

the agency were there too, not only to support the brunette male that was obviously slowly fully breaking down but to mourn the loss of a partner, a co-worker, a friend, a part of their crazy little family.

"dazai...you've been sitting here for three hours," atsushi spoke as gently as he could, worried the older brunette male would snap at him for saying such words. atsushi himself was very heartbroken when he heard about emi's passing, he enjoyed the ray of sunshine she was in the office and how motivated she always tried to be, radiating that energy off to him quite often.

"would you like to talk about her? i heard it helps sometimes," the white haired boy spoke and for a few minutes all he got in response was silence

"...she was heaven on earth...an angel that was sent down to save me from these feelings i feel," the brunette male chokes out, a small smile developing on his lips as he leaned back, resting his head on the top of the grave stone, "she was beautiful, not only physically but in anyway possible," he spoke in a passionate voice, his eyes were closed as he spoke,

"you were very much in love with her, like everyone states," atsushi smiles softly at the older male,

dazai's eyes snap open and widen slightly at the statement, a shocked expression on his face, but soon a smile replaced that as he closed his eyes again and bought his head up again, opening his eyes as the cherry blossoms of the cherry fell off its branch and ran away with the wind right in front of his two brown orbs.

and i'll never get sick of playing with your locks, i miss you lots,

the words left his mouth in barely a whisper as he looked up at the blossom tree he sat under, a wide grin on his lips.

"and i miss you lots."



𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐓, dazai osamu ✓Where stories live. Discover now