Group B

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                                                                   Pineapple POV

"Where am I?" I asked, "Last thing I remember I was singing and sounding super terrible."

"Sounds like something you would do. You look like you're on drugs times 2" someone said.

"Oh, shut it, Rabbit" said another, older sounding voice.

Rabbit. I would remember that. Rabbit and Oldlady. Pronounced Ohl-dluh-dee. I chuckled.

I opened my eyes. There's Rabbit. Looked like a psycho. There was a Bee who was probably Oldlady. A Raven with like, a helmet that looked like a beak, under another helmet that looked like a bird cage. A dog...? with a crystal looking face...? And there was the weirdest thing on earth with big red eyes. And I thought I looked odd.

"You do look weird." said Redeyes. "And don't call me Redeyes. Name's Alien."

"And my name's-"

"Pineapple." Alien said.

"Um... that was creepy." I said

"She reads thoughts," said Pink Poodle / Crystal Dog. "It takes a while to get used to it. Let me rephrase. You don't get used to it."

"Poodle's a little rude." said Oldlady / Bee.

Just then, a door opened. Guess who walked through. It was none other than... the Nickelodeon guy!

"That's not his name, Pineapple." Alien started "His name is Nick-"

"Elodeon guy. I know, Alien." I replied.

"Why do I even try with you?" complained Alien.

"Anyway..." Nickelodeon guy said, "You are on a singing competition now."

"Oh my- YES!!!" said everyone except me.

I said "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

"Um... So, the match ups are Rabbit Vs Alien, Raven Vs Pineapple, and Poodle Vs Bee" Nick guy said. I think I'll just call him Nick.

"Well that's his name," said Grumpy, "and please, just call me Alien."

"Ahem... the people who win the match ups get to move on to the next episode, and the people who lose are in the bottom three and the audience votes for their favorite performance of the people in the bottom three and who ever gets the least amount of votes takes of their mask." Nick finished

"Question," said Rabbit, "Has anyone gone on here before us?"

"Great question, Rabbit, so here's a great answer. Yes. There was a Hippo who was unmasked and was Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh Steelers player." Nick answered, "Now go out there and get practicing!"

While everyone was practicing and sounding great... I was trying to decide what song to sing.

"Lets go with... the opposite of what I think I'll do here." I was saying, "Victorious! Does anyone here know the words to Victorious?" He realized he was alone in a dressing room. "Well, I bet this computer does..."

After that, the Pineapple had it down perfect.

Meanwhile, Ken, Robin, Jenny and Nicole were talking about how cool they thought the costumes would be.

"The Lion was pretty awesome. And the Peacock. Actually, like, all of them were cool." Jenny was saying.

"So, who do you think Monster is?" Robin asked.

"I dunno, Kanye West is misunderstood," Ken started

"Ken, just, I was gonna say stop but instead, just don't start" Nicole said


Everyone was well prepared for their performance. Over the intercom, Nick Cannon said, "FIVE MINUTES TO SHOWTIME!"

"Wha- huh- mommy where are you?" Pineapple said. He had fallen asleep while he was supposed to be practicing. "What song am I singing again? I Will Survive, right? Let's go with that.

Up first was the Demonic Bunny. He sang "Livin' La Vida Loca," I didn't know that song, but that was okay.

Second was Grumpy Red Eyes. She sang "Feel it Still," I felt like I knew that song, but I wasn't sure.

Rabbit Vs Alien. I knew Rabbit would win, because I didn't like Alien. I was right.

Third was Armored Bird. She sang a song about rainbows.

Fourth was-

"Pineapple, you're up!" Nick told me.

"Oh, oh, oh noooooo," I said.

"Come on!"

I went with Nick and sang. It didn't seem right though. Maybe because halfway through, I realized I was singing the wrong song. I thought it was alright though. It wasn't. I lost against Birdy.

After that was Diamond Pup. She sang "Heartbreaker" This was when I realized I didn't know any songs.

Last was Oldlady. She sang "I'm gonna drink, from the chandelier, from the chandelier."

Oldlady won which meant that either Weird Thing, Puppy, or me was going to get eliminated.

It was me.

Deep inside I knew it would be me.

"Take it off! Take it off!"

Was my performance even kind of okay?

"Take it off! Take it off!"

Probably not, but that's okay.

"Take it off! Take it off!"

"It's comedic legend Tommy Chong!" Nick shouted "And that means that in two weeks, Raven, Alien, Poodle, Bee, and Rabbit get to perform again! But for now, give it up for Tommy Chong!!"

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