Chapter Two

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The rest of the evening kind of passed in a blur. I managed to get over my initial shock at seeing him again and avoided too much eye contact. But it was difficult, just seeing him again and talking to him had stirred up emotions I thought were well and truly dead and buried. It'd had taken a good few years but I'd gotten there and was happy and content with my life. But now I was perturbed that suddenly I was thrown back in time and my feelings were all over the place Jason was his usual charming and disarming self. I tried hard not to be impressed by him. But it was a struggle that seemed doomed to failure.

Clair didn't really help. She was very interested in all the gossip about the band and how things had changed for the better for them. I was genuinely pleased to see how happy Jason was now with everything. I knew from what he'd told me before, that often he'd felt sidelined, but now it was all resolved and everyone was real friends too this time round. But all the talk about the old days had bought back so many unwanted emotions.

Jason was very honest, as always, but I wondered if he was being so open to somehow impress me or was I just being arrogant to think he wanted to do that? After all, it was him who broke up with me, so why would he feel the need to impress me? Unless... No, don't start imagining things. I'd moved on years ago and I'm happy with my life. I may be feeling a bit off centre because of the shock at seeing him again after all these years, but I don't need him to complicate things again.

Clair also asked whether he had a girlfriend. Suddenly I really didn't want to hear his answer.

Jason shifted in his seat and thought for what seemed an age, before replying to Clair's question,

"Well, I'm single at the moment but I do have girlfriends... on and off"

Umm, so no-one special then, I thought to myself. Why did this answer please me so much?

The conversation changed to more general topics which was a relief and I started to relax and actually enjoyed finding out what he and the others had been doing with their lives away from the band. Eventually the bar started to empty. I looked at my watch and realised it was nearly 1am. We had an early train to catch back to London, so I reminded Clair of the time.

"Oh, it is late" Clair exclaimed. We finished our drinks and stood up, Clair wobbled slightly and she giggled, " Maybe I shouldn't had had that last glass of bubbly?"

I laughed, we had had quite a few glasses of wine, then Jason persuaded us to have some champagne "to celebrate seeing each other, after such a long time"

He was totally relaxed and seemed to treat our surprise meeting as nothing out of the ordinary - just a few friends, catching up. There was no hint of any reaction to me, other than as an old friend.

Jason seemed to have totally forgotten we'd ever been a couple. Not once did he refer to, or mention our time together. Which was a relief in one way but also very odd, I thought. Had he actually forgotten? Had our relationship been that insignificant to him? I did feel hurt by his lack of acknowledgement of our time together. Maybe I should have said something. Perhaps he was waiting for me to say something? Argh! He's getting into my head again. Stop it! I won't see him again after tonight, so it doesn't matter. Maybe Jason handled it the right way. Just being friendly without any ulterior motive?

"Right, we'd better get off to bed" I said to Clair. "Yessh..." Clair hiccupped loudly and started to walk, over to the lift, but she started to sway as she tried to walk round the other table and chairs. I quickly walked over to her and held on to her arm. The next moment Jason appears at Clair's other side.

"I think you may need some assistance?" He grinned at me, as we slowly walked through the bar to the lift. I tried to ignore my tummy feeling like it had a million butterflies trying to escape. Jason pressed the call button for the lift. Clair was standing unsteadily and now was trying to sing Pray complete with the dance moves! If Jason hadn't been there it would've been funny but I wasn't sure whether to laugh or tell her to shut up?

Jason watched her for a moment then started joining in the dance moves! I just started to roar with laughter. I think it was one of most bizarre sights I'd ever seen...

Suddenly the lift doors opened and the impromptu performance ended abruptly.

"Thanks Jason, we should be ok now" I explained as he manoeuvred Clair into lift, while she continued to try and sing to Jason. This time, a tuneless version of Greatest Day. I'd heard it on the radio and even I knew she was singing it totally off key. I laughed to myself.

"It's no problem. I was going to use the lift as I'm on the fourth floor."Jason replied.

"Oh...ok...Thanks again." I said rather reluctantly.

"What's the matter" Jason asked, noticing the hesitant sound in my voice.

"Nothing, I'm just tired" I replied.

"Which floor do you want?" Jason asked, poised to press the relevant buttons.

"Third, please" Jason pressed the two buttons and the lift doors slide shut.

I watched the buttons intently. I didn't want to have to look into his beautiful eyes again, not when he was so close. I breathed out heavily and tried to think of boring things to distract myself.

"Ding!" The sound made me smile in relief.

"I think this is your floor Beccy." Jason's tone when he said my name just melted me. I looked up at him quickly, "Thanks again for your help. 'Night and good luck with the album.

Clair was by now, starting to look very sleepy, the singing had stopped while in the lift. I carefully walked out of the lift with Clair leaning heavily on my left shoulder.

Luckily we didn't have far to walk to her room. I managed to find Clair's key card in her bag, while she leaned against the wall by the door. I opened the door and got Clair to the bed. I half placed, half dropped her on to the bed. I removed her shoes and placed the duvet over her.

She was snoring almost before I left the room. Hope she's got some painkillers for the morning! I thought as I closed the door.

"Clair ok?" I literally jumped in the air! "God, Jason!" I almost shouted at him.

"Shush! ...Sorry, just thought I should check you managed to get her to her room ok"

"Yes, she's fine. Not so sure about me now!" I laughed.

"Do you need escorting to your room madam? There're some dodgy types prowling these corridors, so I've heard." He gave me a breathtaking smile as he put his head to one side, looking directly at me. "Umm, no, no, I'll be fine... It's only along...the corridor..."

As I stuttered and stumbled over my words, Jason stepped forward and gently kissed me on the forehead.

"Ok, goodnight then" He said brightly and turned on his heel and wandered off down the hallway!

I just stood watching as he disappeared round the corner to the lift. What was that all about?

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