Chapter Nine

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Jason prowled round the hotel room, holding his head and groaning quietly to himself. His head hurt badly. He had a humdinger of a hangover.

The day before had been the album launch in Paris and it had been a resounding success.
At the evening gig at a swanky Paris nightclub to promote the new album, they had been amazed by the fans all singing along to the new tracks, word perfect!
Afterwards Gary said that they must have spent all night learning the words.
"You think?" Mark asked incredulously.
"Yeah, some would've waited up to download it at midnight," Howard nodded in agreement with Gary.
"Our fans are the best" Gary said, rubbing his hands together and smiling at the memory of all the fans singing with them so enthusiastically.
"Yeah, it was mint!" Jason said, then added, "and now I think we need to celebrate a bit too as we're here - with a few drinks and perhaps some dancing" Jason grinned at the others expectantly.
Mark and Gary said they'd love to but had other plans. They were going out for a late dinner with some of the record company executives.
Howard said he'd join Jason but only for an hour or so because he wanted to go check out a couple of the newest clubs while he had a chance.
"You should come along too Jay. They have brilliant up and coming dj's here in Paris who play some bangin' tunes." Howard was always clued up about the newest clubs and djs.
Jason smiled, "sounds like a plan Doug." Jason started dancing to an imaginary beat around the dressing room. Howard joined in with some beatbox sounds and tapping a rhythm out on the arm of Mark's chair.
"Well, sounds like you two have your evening sorted," laughed Gary.
"Aw, wish I was going with you now" Mark, looked wistfully at them as they continued their impromptu performance.
"Oh, my company not good enough for you now? Gary laughed, leaning over and flicking at Mark's ear.
"Nah mate, you're good," Mark reassured his friend and playfully blew him a kiss.

"By the way Jay, it's good to see you've got over your dreaminess," laughed Gary, referring to how he'd been at the band meeting the previous day.
Jason laughed good-humouredly, "well you know me Gaz, always the professional"
Gary smiled and gave a thumbs up to Jason and then said
"Right we better get going" Mark nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, us too," Howard replied.
Jason smiled happily at the thought of a night on the town with his best mate.

Much, much later Jason and Howard stumbled out of the last club on their whirlwind trip of Paris' nightlife. It was 5am. They hailed a cab and once inside drunkenly sang their new single Greatest Day to the bemused cabbie as they travelled back to their hotel.

The following morning, neither were in such high spirits.
Jason's phone rang. The sound made his head hurt even more.
It was Howard, "how's your head?" He enquired in a whisper to Jason.
"Banging" Jason mumbled back, sitting down heavily on the bed, "How's yours?"
"Same" Howard replied. "What time's the train?"
"2pm" Jason answered quietly.
"Right, we'd better try and get ourselves together then." Howard replied getting all organised, "as we've only got three hours. So as there's not likely to be a fry-up on the menu. It'll have to be a black coffee and a paracetamol for two." Howard grinned down the phone as he heard Jason groan at his suggestion.
"Just water for me thanks Howard" Jason said
"Ok, you get yourself sorted and meet me in the cafe-bar by the reception." Howard was starting to feel a bit better now he was more awake, though his head was still throbbing somewhat.

They met up half an hour later.
Jason still felt rough and looked dishevelled with his hair sticking up at odd angles.
Howard despite feeling similarly rough looked remarkably well. Much to Jason's annoyance.
"Hey Dougie. How come you're looking so fresh-faced. It's not fair," grumbled Jason
"No idea mate. Just naturally gorgeous" Howard grinned back.
Jason just glared at him as he didn't have the energy to say or do anything else.
They ordered some food and sat quietly while waiting.
Howard offered Jason a painkiller for his headache. He'd found some in his overnight bag.
"Thanks mate," said Jason gratefully.

Shortly the waiter brought over their breakfast: a glass of mineral water for Jason and a black coffee and an almond croissant for Howard.
"Thought you weren't hungry?" Howard asked, watching as Jason tore off a bit of the pastry and munched on it hungrily.
"Changed my mind" Jason grinned. His head was feeling a bit less painful.
"Ah good. I'm get some more then."
He called the waiter over to order some more pastries and another coffee for himself.

Once they'd finished their late breakfast they both felt a lot better and it was time to go to the Gard du Nord station. The trip back was quick and uneventful with both men using the time to catch up on some sleep.
As the train drew into St Pancras station, they stood up and collected together their things, while waiting for the train to stop.
Jason suddenly said out loud to himself, "damn! I nearly forgot!"
"What's that?" Howard only half heard him as he had his headphones on.
"I promised Beccy I'd phone today" Jason run his hand through his hair distractedly.
"Did you say what time you'd phone?" Asked Howard as he stepped down from the train.
"No, but I intended to ring this morning. I didn't want to leave her hanging?" Jason explained, while following Howard off the train.
"No harm done then. You can ring once you're home" reasoned Howard.
"Yeah, you're right How" replied Jason, feeling more relaxed.
They made their way through the station to the taxi rank and waited patiently in the queue. There were a few double takes by passers-by as they walked through the concourse and one woman in the queue took a sneaky photo but otherwise they were left alone, much to their relief. The queue moved quickly and they decided to share a cab as they lived quite near to each other. The cab dropped Howard off first.
"Bye Jay, see you next week. Don't forget to phone you-know-who when you get home" Howard said as he got out of the cab.
"Yeah, I won't forget," Jason grinned and gave a thumbs up, "bye, see ya next week How"
Howard gave a wave as the cab pulled away and walked up the steps to his house.

Jason settled back in his seat. It was only another 10 minutes to his house so he checked his messages to pass the time and just in case Beccy had texted him while he was travelling.
No messages. He was slightly disappointed but Beccy had said she would be very busy herself and he had said he would ring her so not really a surprise.

When the taxi arrived at his house, he quickly paid the fare, got his overnight bag and bounded up the steps to his front door. He couldn't wait to speak to Beccy now he was home and the tension of the album launch had dissipated.

He unlocked the door and stepped into the large airy hallway. Dropping his bag by the stairs Jason walked down the hall to the kitchen. He decided to make himself a mug of coffee now he was home and feeling more human. Then he could settle down in his favourite armchair and phone Beccy.

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