Chapter Six

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Jason wandered into the dining room. Going over to the breakfast buffet, he helped himself to a herbal tea. All thoughts he had of eating having left him when Janey told him she'd seen Beccy throwing the note away. His note. It had to be. It was to be expected Jason thought ruefully.

Suddenly his phone started to beep. Jason idly wondered if it was Howard again, but he'd be airborne by now. Jason pulled the phone from his pocket and pressed the inbox button. It was an unfamiliar number. Probably one of those texts asking if you'd had an accident in the last 3 years or some such junk. He was just about to press delete when curiosity got the better of him.

The message made Jason gasp,

"Hi, It was nice to see you. If you're ever in town, give us a ring. Beccy. x

Jason slumped back in his chair in surprise. It was from Beccy! The receptionist must have got it wrong. She didn't throw the note away! It must have been something else that she'd seen her put in the bin.

Jason read the text again. A smile spread over his face. He carefully saved the number and decided to go for a walk. He suddenly felt full of energy. As he strolled along the promenade enjoying the sun and the brisk sea air, he texted back to say he now had a house in London so would ring her when he was back from Paris, next Tuesday and maybe they could go for lunch sometime in the week.

Jason sent the message and hoped Beccy would agree to see him next week.

After a few minutes, Beccy replied agreeing to meet up some time next week and wished him good luck for the album launch.

The band meeting today was to finalise the arrangements for Monday when they were going to be in Paris for the launch of the new album.

Jason returned from his walk beaming. Miranda was still on duty and noticed his smiling face and nodded hello as he passed the reception desk. He gave her a mega-watt smile in return. He'd not felt this happy in a long time. Miranda felt herself melt as he looked at her.

He's looking happier than earlier. Wish I had the power to make him look that happy! She sighed to herself.

Jason ignored the lift and bounded up the stairs to his room. He packed his things and checking he'd picked up his mobile and car keys, went back downstairs to check out.

"Hi Miranda" Jason said to the besotted receptionist.

"Hello, again" Miranda smiled back sweetly.

"I'm checking out now. Here's my key card" Jason handed over the card.

Miranda busied herself on the computer. He was just so handsome she thought. Shame he's not staying longer. She was finishing her shift in half an hour. She'd been hoping he may've been in the bar later.

"Thank you" She took the card and accidentally brushed Jason's hand as she did so.
Ooh, I've touched him! She giggled to herself.

"You ok?" Jason asked

"Oh yes! Sorry. Umm, here's your receipt. I hope you've enjoyed your stay. Have a safe journey home." Miranda said, going back into work-mode.

"Thank you. Yes I have, it's been better than I expected." Jason replied. He'd worked-out she was a fan from her reactions and gave her a big smile back.

"Oh g-g-good... that's good... umm" Miranda stammered a bit. That smile was a killer!

"I know it's unprofessionally of me... but do you think I could have your autograph? My friend is a big fan of yours... and Take That. She won't believe I've met you unless I have proof." Miranda giggled nervously.

It was a lie of course but she felt embarrassed asking for herself as she was at work and shouldn't have been behaving like a giddy schoolgirl. They did have other celebrities staying there from time to time, but usually b-list tv stars not a bona fide pop star!

"Yes of course! No problem." Jason grinned at Miranda. He knew it was for her.

"Here, you can sign this" Miranda held out a hotel business card, her hand shaking slightly.

"Ok, what's your friend's name?" Jason asked in a soft voice as he watched Miranda carefully, his eyes looking directly into hers.

"Umm, well, as it happens... her name's... the same as mine!" Miranda laughed slightly at her blatant lie, wilting under Jason's intense gaze and sensual voice.

"Ok" Jason said slowly, trying not to smile at the obvious fib.

He signed the card and added a large X for a kiss.

"There you are. Is that enough proof for your friend? Or would she like photographic evidence too?" Jason asked, sounding all innocent and smiling sweetly at Miranda.

Miranda flushed red at the thought of Jason being that close for a photo but said, "Ooh yes! She might want to see a pic"

Miranda turned round to get her handbag and rummaged around to find her mobile. Jason meanwhile was finding it increasing hard not to laugh out loud at the poor girl's predicament.

"Found it!" Miranda turned round, waving the phone about in triumph.

"Right, if you come round here and we stand together, then your friend can see you're not fibbing" Jason suggested to the flustered receptionist.

"Ok" Miranda said rather weakly.

Miranda walked round to the front of the desk and stood next to Jason.

"You'll need to stand a bit closer Miranda" Jason stepped sideways and put his arm round her shoulder.

Miranda's legs wobbled and she leant against Jason for support. This isn't happening, she thought to herself as she held up the mobile to take the picture.

"Here, let me help" Jason put his hand round the phone to steady it. His finger's touching Miranda's.

Oh god! Miranda silently said when Jason's fingers touched hers. He smells delicious too!

"Say cheese!" Jason laughed to Miranda.

They smiled into the camera as Miranda pressed the button.

"Thank You Jason!" Miranda said, while trying to catch her breath.

"You're very welcome Miranda" Jason said and leant over and kissed her on the cheek.

Miranda closed her eyes and swayed.

"You ok?" Jason said alarmed, grabbing her arm.

"Yes I'm fine. Must be a bit hot in here." Miranda managed to say.

Wow! A kiss too! I think I've died and gone to heaven. She mused to herself

This was becoming an extraordinary day.

"Well, if you're sure." Jason asked anxiously. He should have remembered some fans can get a bit overwhelmed.

"Thank you again Jason" Miranda had recovered enough to return to the safety of the other side of the reception desk.

Jason nodded and then said "Thank you. I hope your friend likes the picture and the autograph" then he winked at Miranda.

"Yes, I'm sure she will" Miranda replied.

He knew! She thought to herself, as her face turned slightly pink.

"Goodbye, see you again" Miranda said hopefully.

Smiling, Jason said goodbye. Then walked out of the hotel and went to get his car for the short drive to Howard's home.

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