Chapter Eight

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"Well?" Howard said as he looked expectantly at his friend, as they walked back into the sitting room.

"Well what?" Jason asked evasively. He wasn't sure what to say about meeting Beccy last night. He was still trying to figure out how he felt.

"Last night. I don't buy all this 'just up drinking a bit late' nonsense". Howard looked squarely at Jason.

Jason stared back. They were still standing, facing each other. Jason turned away, walked over to the sofa and flopped down onto the soft leather seat.

"Ok, you've got me!" Jason said grinning as he tried to change the mood.
"I met an old friend, that's all. We got talking and the wine flowed..." Jason trailed off.

"Um...That's it? An old friend not a couple of fans then?"

Howard thought for a moment. "Male or female?" Howard sat down on the chair opposite Jason as he waited for his answer.

"Female. Why?" Jason tried to sound surprised at Howard's question.

Howard grinned. "Well, if she's just an old friend, then why make a mystery out of it? Is she one of the dancers from the tours? Someone from the old record company? Howard asked.

Then he asked "or was it more than just conversation and wine that kept you up late?" Howard asked, raising an eyebrow knowingly.

It was unusual for Jason to be this coy, but maybe if it was someone they'd worked with, he was trying to be discreet?

"No. No, nothing like that" Jason quickly answered as he licked his lip nervously.

"I did get talking to two fans earlier, I even had dinner with them, but that was all" Jason felt he needed to explain himself now but still didn't really want to mention Beccy.

"You had dinner with some fans? You've changed!" Howard laughed.

"Yes, maybe I have, but so have some of the fans. They're older now and not so crazy. Well some anyway" Jason smiled. "They were very good company too" Jason hoped the slight change of subject would put Howard off.

"So, you met the old friend later? Howard wasn't to be put off. He knew there was something about this person that was different, important even. But what was it?

"Yes" Jason sighed. Howard was like a dog with a bone.

"Who is it then? Why all the secrecy? Oh, is she married? And you're having an affair!" Howard looked pleased at his deduction.

"No, of course not!" Jason didn't agree with that sort of thing at all.

"Oh sorry Jay." Howard should have remembered that was a no-no.

"Nah, you're alright mate" Jason knew Howard didn't mean any harm. But he wished he'd stop playing detective now.

"Its early days, that's all" Jason hoped this would end the interrogation.
"Ah, so it might be serious then?" Howard was intrigued now.

Jason sighed again. "No. Well yes. Well...maybe" Jason conceded.

"Oh, so that's why you got all grumpy with us earlier!" Howard grinned.

"Umm" Jason was a bit fed-up with all the questions and he didn't want to jinx it by gabbing about it now.

"Oh come on then. You've gotta tell us who it is now!" Howard was grinning even more. He hoped his friend had at last met someone who was 'the one'. Plus he'd win the bet with Mark and Gary, not that he'd tell Jay that. Well, not yet anyway!

"You're not gonna let this go are you?" Jason asked, exasperated with his friend's obvious amusement.

"Nope!" Howard shot back.

"Ok" Jason looked straight at Howard, "It's Beccy" Jason sat back and waited.
"Who?" Howard thought for a bit. Then looked a bit stunned.

"Oh!... Really? You and her? But I thought that was over years ago? You ended things with her. Said she was too clingy, possessive..."

Howard was genuinely surprised. Beccy was the last name he expected Jason to say. Back then Howard had thought she was a lovely, down to earth girl. So was sorry to hear they'd split up and the reason why.

"Yes, I know, but people change and we got talking and... We're meeting for lunch later next week" Jason replied.

He left out that the person who'd changed was him not Beccy. To Jason she seemed perfect now. Why he'd not seen it then, god only knows, but he hoped he would get a second chance.

"Right. Let's have a drink to celebrate you two meeting up again." Howard declared.

He went out to the kitchen and got a couple of beers from the fridge.

"Sorry, Jay, haven't got any champers in at the moment." Howard laughed, handing over a bottle to Jason.

"Er, that's ok How." Jason laughed back. "Cheers!"

"Cheers!" Howard replied and they clinked the bottles together.


That Tuesday after work Beccy checked her phone again as she sat waiting for her train home.

This is ridiculous, she told herself. I'm acting like a love struck teenager! He's probably just busy with work. This was the first week of their album launch.
Jason will have lots of things to do. I don't suppose it's even crossed his mind to phone.

She remembers him telling her stories of the old days about how busy they always were then. I don't suppose it's much different now, she thought to herself.

There was an announcement over the station p.a. system that the next train was approaching the platform. Beccy got up and moved forward with the other commuters while the train slowed to a stop. The crowd surged forward as the passengers got off the train and the usual rush to get a seat ensued.

Once seated Beccy, put in her earphones for her mobile and selected play.

The train slowly moved off as the first bars of Snow Patrol's song, Chasing Cars started to play. The lyrics suited her mood somehow and she started to relax.

The carriage was very full and the air was stuffy, Beccy started to feel sleepy.

Just as she was starting to doze off, her phone rang.

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