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Lyra could not sleep as thunder rang out into the night-waking her up with a gasp from her dreams, it illuminated the tower for a second. Lyra wasn't going to get back to sleep now, Pan groaned and shook, all fluffy and sleepy let out a little yawn.

Lyra looked around the dark tower as everyone else slept knowing they were leaving tomorrow morning, they had all packed before going to sleep. Lyra slowly sat up in bed as she rubbed her face, closed her eyes and sighed as she thought back to her dream she had woken from.

Lyra stood up and softly without making a sound walked over to the grand clock face window to look out into the night watching the rain pour down heavily. She chose to sit on the wooden floor and watch the rain, Pan running up to snuggle into her neck for comfort.

Lyra sat there, half asleep looking out and as lightning flashed in the night once more. Something caught Lyra's eye. Her eyes now wide awake watched as she noticed multiple magisterium police forces in groups approaching their headquarters. Lyra and Pan jumped up in surprise and fear, Lyra ran over to Annie's bed shaking her awake.

"Annie, everybody wake up! There are magisterium police coming towards the headquarters!" Lyra cried out as Pan jumped on Bridget's bed first before leaping onto everyone's waking them up urgently.

Everyone sprang up in alarm out of their sleep, they ran to retrieve their things. Lyra ran over to her bed getting dressed quickly as everyone did the same. Scrabbling to put on her coat, she almost forgot her red knitted hat thinking of Asriel as everyone was soon ready with no time to waste.

They all got together to the exit with all of their belongings wearing rucksacks, Lyra still having Asriel's with all of his the things inside along with Lyra's own items. They had run down the wooden stairs in a group hoping to not be seen as they left, Simon cautiously opened the hatch door on the rooftops checking for magisterium forces.

He gestured for them to follow slowly as they made their way closing the hatch behind them in the pouring heavy rain. They had made it across the roof of the tower before the rain which was thick made the roof very slippery causing Martha to slip.

Bella in reaction "Martha" as Martha screamed in surprise, she reached her hand before Martha fell off the roof catching her. She had been right next to her, Lyra and the others looked over in alarm sighing as they saw Bella caught her.

As Martha stood up back on the roof again after being lifted, they heard a growl from a dog daemon before torches were shined upon them like headlights. They all blinked through the light before their eyes adjusted, they all took off running along the rooftops with a large amount of more police than what was chasing Lyra before in the day.

There were shouts of 'halt' and loud barks through the rain and thunder as they all ran, terrified as they were chased. They all ran towards the direction of the water where they had planned to go in the morning, thinking they might reach the gyptians and they would protect them.

Annie called to them to follow as she found a fire escape to climb down onto to get to ground level to avoid falling off the roofs in the rain. Lyra made sure all of them went down first as she then followed, the forces were everywhere even in the dark wet empty streets. They were being hunted, Bridget jumped down before Lyra following right behind.

Everyone had started running down the street as Lyra jumped down herself running to catch up to them, the rain having soaked them all making it hard to see.

Pan ran next to Lyra as a snow fox running with a vigor keeping up the crew in the torrential downpour her feet slid as she tried to run falling behind.

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