The Truth Comes Out

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Asriel paced back and forth within the waiting room. While Marisa sat upon one of the various chairs her head bowed in her hands. Worry and nerves seeping over both of them.

"We took her home too early, we shouldn't have rushed her" Marisa sighed out through her hands covering her face.

Marcel was off to the side, only really here for Marisa. He hadn't expected how severe Lyra's condition was, nor did he care however since he had finally met his niece he was interested in her outcome. Especially how Marisa seems to react when it comes to her.

"They should tell you information soon, I shall be off. Give my well wishes to Lyra"

Marcel spoke towards Marisa before not even acknowledging Asriel only with a distasteful expression before he departed the hospital.

There was a good amount of time of silence, before Asriel broke it after looking down the hallway fighting off concern for Lyra and sentiment as his emotion-fueled his anger.

"This is your fault"

"I beg your pardon" Marisa asked in a stern tone.

"If you hadn't taken her away from Jordan she would still be there safe. Memories and all"

"You shouldn't have kept my daughter from me for twelve years!"

"You threw us away, you abandoned her. When did you suddenly decide to care?!"

"I'm here now!" Marisa weakly defended through tear-filled eyes, anger now upon her face as her protected instincts towards Lyra emerged.

"I bet it was when you decided to start your research . You felt guilty for leaving her, you took her away. Bringing her straight into danger-"

"You are a terrible man and a terrible father. Such a hypocrite you lied to her, left her at stupid college all those years. Neglecting her, she was never safe-"

An interrupting cough broke their loud passionate argument within the hospital waiting room, the doctor had approached the couple to provide an update.

Marisa seeing the doctor quickly neglected Asriel ignoring him and approached the doctor wishing for answers, information on Lyra.

Asriel joined her approaching the doctor as well, Marisa already took charge.

"How is she?" Marisa asked in a frantic worrying tone ready to jump to Lyra's side. The doctor held a frown upon his face, as he glanced at the worried parents in front of him.

"It appears it was just a scare, Lyra had a seizure which is common among people with recent head trauma. It may appear that going home may have been too much too soon for Lyra. She will need plenty of rest while she recovers-"

"Thank you, doctor, which room is she in?" Marisa asked hardly restraining herself as she wished to be with Lyra.

"She is in 352b, however, I should warn you she doesn't wish to see anyone at the moment"

"I'm sorry?" Marisa became agitated while Asriel then became confused at the doctor's words.

Marisa did not like having others tell her what she can and can not do, she smiled a delicate intoxicating smile as she sighed.

"I'm her mother"

Marisa then strode away sauntering on a mission down the corridor of the hospital in search of Lyra's room Asriel on her heels following.

Lyra was laying upon her elevated hospital bed with Pan upon her shoulder nuzzling into her for comfort as a white ermine, as Marisa quickly entered the room with sharpness. Pan sprung off Lyra to hide away from sight crying out in fear, Lyra glanced towards the door and her mother in surprise.

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