Chapter 1

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Sophie's POV:

"Argh, Biana, do I have to wear this?" I groaned, looking in the mirror. I was wearing a purple ombre gown that hugged my figure in a way that made my cheeks warm (picture at the top)

"Yes, now stop squirming so I can do your hair," Biana replied. "The Council's holding an entire gala in our honor, the least you can do is look nice." Biana was wearing a blue ballgown with gems embroidered at the bottom.

"Besides, you look really pretty," Marella added. She was wearing a red dress with a lacy neckline and matching red heart earrings.

"Guys, hurry up!" Linh shouted, coming into the room. She was already ready in a silver gown that matched the tips on her hair. "Oh, Sophie, you look amazing," she gushed.

I blushed, glancing in the mirror. "Yeah, Biana did a good job," I commented. 

With a final flourish, Biana grinned and said, "Done!"

"You look all grown up," said a voice from behind me. By the doorway stood Edaline in a navy mermaid-style dress, wiping her eyes.

I stood up and walked over to hug her. "Well, I don't feel grown-up, so you're stuck with me for a little longer, Mom."

She laughed. "Nice to know. Now, the boys are waiting downstairs, so let's go," she said.

As we walked down the stairs, I saw the boys waiting for us at the bottom.

 "What took you so long, Foster?" Keefe teased as we reached the bottom. Keefe and I had been together for almost four days now, ever since the sleepover at Everglen. 

I rolled my eyes. "Biana."

"Hey," Biana protested as we all laughed. 

"You kids are always joking around," Mr. Forkle said, but he was smiling too.

"Let's go, we don't want to be late," Edaline urged. 

"We are gathered here to celebrate the heroics of the elves that defeated the Neverseen, and we'd like to welcome you all today!" Councillor Emery's voice boomed out from the stage. 

A spotlight shone in our direction as applaud rose from the crowd.

I self-consciously waved. 

"Don't worry, Foster, you look beautiful," Keefe whispered in my ear. I blushed.

The spotlight faded and the lights came back on. Curtains closed around the stage and the Councillors reappeared on the ground level.

Dex blinked rapidly. "You'd think they make the lights a little dimmer, but no, they just have to blind us," he complained.

Marella laughed.

Mr. Forkle emerged from the crowd with a worried look on his face. Councillor Terik was trailing behind him. 

"Our cameras in New York have picked up on something," Mr. Forkle said, leading us out into the hallway connecting to the ballroom.

"How bad is it, on a scale of one to ten?" Fitz asked.

Councillor Terik spoke up. "Bad enough that the Council will be letting you stay in the Forbidden Cities for a long time."

"Okay, what exactly did you see?" Marella asked. 

Mr. Forkle pulled out a metal circle the size of my palm, tapped it, and handed it to me. 

A figure in a black hood ran to a shadowed area. Something that looked like a combination of a goat, snake, lion, and who-knows-what flew out of the woods. It looked like the beast was about to tear the hooded figure to shreds, but they held up a hand and the beast froze. The figure slowly turned around to reveal. . . 

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