Chapter 9

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A/N: I'm so soooowwwwyyyyyy I took so long (again)...

Tam's POV:

Luckily today was a weekend, so we were able to discuss things without interruption.

I walked downstairs in black sleepwear and made myself some black coffee.

Sophie came down a minute after in a loose t-shirt and sleep-shorts. She yawned, then sat opposite from me. "So."

"So," I replied. 

She tapped her chin. "What do you think about the 'demigods'?" She put air quotes around the word 'demigods'.

I shrugged. "They seemed like they were telling the truth- and if they were, they would make good allies. The more eyes we have, the better."

Sophie nodded in agreement. "Yeah."

After a few moments, Keefe came downstairs in blue pj's with gulons on them. His hair was matted in a massive cowlick on one side. "What's up, guys?"

Sophie giggled, then pointed at his hair. Keefe patted the side of his head, then held up a finger. "Just a second," he said calmly.

He hurried off, and a moment later we heard a yelp from the bathroom. "What the-"

(A/N: Just thought I'd add that for entertainment-)

He came back with his hair back to normal. I snickered, and he glared at me. 

The others came downstairs a few moments later, all in PJs. 

Biana sat down next to me and sighed. "Marella dragged me out of bed," she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. 

Marella put an innocent look on her face. 

Sophie laughed. 

Keefe took a spoon and hit it on the table. "Alright, people, get some food and let's have a meeting," he said in a formal voice. 

Marella grabbed a carton of yogurt from the fridge and sat down beside Dex. 

"So," Keefe said, mouth full of bagel. "What exactly are we discussing?"

"A plan," Sophie volunteered. "All the Council said was to investigate, but how do we do that when we have no idea where Gisela is?"

Dex rubbed his chin in thought. "I could tweak some cameras," he said. "Connect them to my phone."

I nodded. "Could you make it alert you if Lady Gisela shows up?"

"Maybe," he said. I could tell he was already planning in his head. 

"What else?" Biana asked. I turned to look at her. "I feel like setting up some fancy cameras isn't gonna be that effective cause we're waiting for her," she explained. "No offense," she said quickly, turning to Dex.

He shrugged. "None taken."

Fitz hummed in concentration. "We could scout during weekends," he offered. 

"All nine of us, or do we split up in groups?" Wylie asked. 

"Groups of three," Linh said. 

Sophie nodded. "Ok. Any other ideas?"

"Do we fight her, or do we just investigate?" Dex asked. "I know the Council said to investigate, but what do we do if we actually run into Gisela?"

Marella frowned. "Yeah, Mr. Forkle didn't give us much detail either."

"Should we hail him?" Keefe asked. 

Sophie nodded. "If they want us to help them, we need more details."

Aligned: A KOTLC and HoO crossover {SLOW-ISH UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now