Chapter 6

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Keefe's POV:

Human detention was even worse than elvin detention. 

Tam sat there silently, arms crossed over his chest. Linh was subtly making a miniature tornado in her water bottle. Dex was fidgeting with his pen, disassembling and reassembling it. Marella leaned back in her chair, twirling her micro-braids between her fingers. Wylie was making balls of light outside, any human who looked outside the window would just think it was a weirdly shaped rainbow. 

Little did the teacher know, we were all having a telepathic conversation, courtesy of Sophie and Fitz. Recently, Sophie had come up with a way to temporarily link all our thoughts together so we could hear each other.

Is human detention always this boring? Dex said.

Sophie shrugged. I don't know, I've never gotten human detention before. 

Goody-two-shoes, I said, grinning. She glared at me.

Marella let out an amused snort. The teacher glanced at her curiously. "Miss Redek, please put all four chair legs on the floor."

Marella sighed and tilted her chair forwards, back to the ground. 

Buzzkill, she said. 

Dex grinned. We went like that for the rest of detention, quietly sitting and chatting telepathically. 

As soon as the teacher dismissed us, Tam lurched for the door and fell out of his chair. I sniggered. 

He glared at me, saying, "Shut up."

Sophie sighed in exasperation. She reached for her crutches and slowly pushed herself up. 

Fitz frowned. "I hate that you have to go through this," he said. 

Biana nodded. "Veronica's a jerk."

Wylie nodded. "We should get going," he said, picking his bag off the floor. 

We followed him out the door and walked outside. 

A blonde-haired girl cornered us outside. "Hi, I'm Macie. Did Gloria give you the invite to my party?"

Fitz nodded. "Yeah, thanks for inviting us."

Macie tossed her hair. "It's like, no problem. I always want more people at my party!"

She smiled, and for a second I saw fangs in her mouth. Then they disappeared, and I brushed it off. I've just had a long day, that's all, I thought.

But Sophie also looked a bit concerned. Anybody who didn't know her wouldn't catch it, but I saw her brow crease together slightly, and the corner of her lips dipped down a little bit. 

"Are you guys going?" Macie asked. 

Wylie nodded. "Yeah."

"We should get going," Sophie said quickly. Biana dipped her head in agreement. 

Macie waved goodbye, and we started off to our temporary home.

"Did she seem a bit off to you guys?" Sophie asked. 

Dex nodded. "One of her legs didn't seem right, almost as if it was fake."

"And for a second, it looked like she had fangs," I added. 

The others nodded in agreement. 

"Sophie, what did Mr. Forkle transmit to you before we left for New York?" Linh asked.

Sophie's expression darkened. She looked behind us to make sure nobody was within earshot, and said, "He said that the things Lady Gisela are summoning might be monsters from Greek mythology. Apparently, it's one of the Forgotten Secrets from Fintan's cache," she said slowly. 

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