Chapter 5

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Keefe's POV:

The ankle didn't look nearly as bad as when Umber had impaled Sophie's hand with shadowflux, but Sophie kept whimpering in pain whenever I jolted her too much. Halfway to the nurse, she passed out.

Three minutes later, I burst into the nurse's office.

A dark-haired lady looked up from the desk. As soon as she saw Sophie, she gasped and gestured to the cot next to me, not saying a word. 

As I laid Sophie down on the cot, she spoke. "Oh my, that looks bad. Might be sprained- what happened?"

"Veronica tripped her in PE," I said, not taking my eyes off Sophie. The ankle didn't look that bad, yet Sophie was so pale.

The nurse shook her head. "That girl always was a trouble-maker, yet somehow she always manages to fool most of the other teachers."

Right then, I decided that the nurse would be my favorite teacher. 

"Alrighty, let's take a look at this ankle, shall we?" the nurse said, grabbing a metal box from the low ceiling of the cot. 

"I didn't think the high school hospital wing would have an X-ray," I commented. 

She grinned. "We had some funds to spare, and the principal was kind enough to spend it on medical supplies."

I watched silently as she worked. A few minutes later, she 'tsked'. 

"What?" I asked nervously.

"This is a Grade 2 sprain, she's going to be on crutches for five weeks," the nurse said. 

I winced. Sophie's not gonna be happy about that...

"Um, what's your name, I keep calling you 'Nurse Lady' in my head," I asked uncertainly.

She chuckled. "I'm Mrs. Davis," she said kindly.

I grinned. "Well, Mrs. Davis, I think you're my new favorite teacher."

She smiled, but it dimmed as she looked back at Sophie. "We should take care of that," she said, grabbing a brace from a container. She wrapped it around Sophie's ankle. "When you go back to class, be sure to have somebody help her get around for the rest of the day so that she doesn't hurt herself more," she advised. 

I nodded gratefully. "Thank you."

Mrs. Davis handed me some triangular metal sticks. "Here are her crutches," she said. "When she wakes up, you are free to go."

I smiled. 

Mrs. Davis tilted her head. "Are you two dating?"

I blinked in surprise. "Uh, yeah. How could you tell?"

"You have that worried look in your eye. My husband gets the same look whenever he's worried about me," she said fondly.

A few periods later, Sophie stirred. 

"Keefe?" she asked weakly.

I rushed to her side. "Yeah?"

"Where am I?" she implored. 

Mrs. Davis spoke from her desk. "Oh, she's awake," she said. "You, my dear, are in the hospital wing with a Grade 2 sprained ankle, courtesy of Veronica Miller." She said Veronica's name like it was a distasteful curse.

Sophie tilted her head. "I like you," she decided, pointing at Mrs. Davis. 

Mrs. Davis laughed. "I like you too. Keefe, fill her in while you walk back to class."

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