Chapter 2

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A/N: Hey people! I was gonna update yesterday, but there was the storm, the power went out, and I lost most of my work on my chapter ☹. Enough excuses, though. Here's that second chapter I owe you.

Keefe's POV:

I wake up to the sound of light snoring and see Sophie fast asleep beside me. I decided not to wake her up. 

She looks so peaceful. 

I heard voices downstairs and crept downstairs.

Everyone stood in the living room, watching Biana and Fitz argue. 

"You don't have to go, I'll just investigate quickly, get back to the Lost Cities, and that way nobody gets hurt," Fitz argued.

"We are a team. If one person goes, we all go," Biana protested. 

"Well, well, the sleeper awakes. It's past noon, dude," Tam smirked, looking at me.

"Where's Sophie?" Marella asked. 

"Still sleeping," I said. "What were you arguing about?"

Biana rolled her eyes. "Fitz thinks he should just investigate alone, instead of all nine of us."

"Well, that's just stupid," a voice said behind me. I turned around to see Sophie in a simple black tunic, with her hair brushed and plaited back. "We're a team, no one goes off alone."

"Well said." Mr. Forkle walked into the room. "Everyone ready to go, you've said your goodbyes?"

Everyone nodded except for Sophie. "One second," she said, walking upstairs. 

Three minutes later, she came back down. "All good."

"We've given you a basic understanding of English so that you can understand and communicate," Mr. Forkle said. "Manhattan, Queensboro Bridge," he called out to the LeapMaster 500. He waved us along.

"Wait, you aren't coming?" Linh asked nervously.

Mr. Forkle shook his head. "As I told you yesterday, I have other responsibilities to attend to. Good luck!" he said. Handing Sophie a slip of paper, they looked at each other for a few minutes.

Tam looked between them and scoffed, "Telepaths."

Sophie took on a determined look and pulled us into the light. 

We appeared on a bridge that looked over the water. 

"Okay, so our apartment should be a few blocks away," Sophie said, looking at the slip of paper Mr. Forkle had given her. 

A few minutes later, Sophie had led us to a small, mustard-yellow house.

"That's. . . an interesting color," Biana commented. 

"It's a little small, but trust me, this is pretty big for a human apartment," she said. She opened the door and stepped inside.

"Wow, this is pretty nice," Dex commented, looking around. The living room reminded me of Havenfield's, but without the diamonds, smaller, and no sparkle. 

"Yeah. So, what's our plan for school?" Biana asked.

"I'm going-" Fitz started.

"If you finish that sentence by saying 'alone', I will teleport you back home," Sophie threatened.

"Alright, fine," Fitz said, raising his hands in surrender.

"Okay, so rule number one; we stick together. We also sit together during lunch and other free periods so that we can regroup," Sophie started.

Aligned: A KOTLC and HoO crossover {SLOW-ISH UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now