Chapter 4

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Keefe's POV:

"So, what was all that in physics?" Annabeth turned to Sophie.

Sophie sighed. "Keefe made a bet that all nine of us would get in trouble on the first day," she said, pouting slightly.

I knew she was trying to make me feel bad. I refused to give in.

Percy laughed. "Sounds like Leo," he said, glancing at a curly-haired boy sitting beside him.

The boy held up his hands. "I can't help it, trouble follows me everywhere. It can't resist the Super-Sized McShizzle-"

A pretty brown-haired girl with tiny braids in her hair smacked his arm.

Leo rubbed the spot. "Jeez, Piper, feisty. . ."

We laughed.

Annabeth rubbed her hands together and said, "Introductions. That's Jason, Piper, and Leo. Guys, this is Sophie, Keefe, Linh, Fitz, Dex, Marella, Wylie, Tam, and Biana."

Jason, Leo, and Piper waved at us.

(A/N: This story might include the other members of the seven and Nico, but I thought it would be weird for the Romans to go on an assignment from Chiron, I just put Jason there because him, Leo, and Piper are a trio.)

"Are you guys vegetarians?" Piper asked curiously. 

I nodded. "Yeah, we don't believe in eating meat."

"Same!" she exclaimed.

"Hey, do any of you have PE after lunch?" Marella asked.

All five of them nodded.

"We do too," Wylie said.

"Hey, do you know what kind of stuff we do in PE?" Fitz asked, leaning forward.

Percy shrugged. "We'll either have dodgeball or fitness training today," he said.

The nine of us grinned. 

Jason looked at us, confused. "Why do you look so happy?"

"We're pretty good at PE, it's one of our best subjects," Tam bragged. Linh rolled her eyes. 

Sophie chuckled. We spent the rest of lunch chatting and laughing.

As we threw away our trash, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. 

"C'mon, we'll show you where the gym is," Annabeth said, walking us towards the hall. We followed her down several halls and turns.

"We could've never found this on our own," Dex muttered.

Percy chuckled. "I got lost on my first day and missed two periods trying to find this place," he said.

Fitz's POV: 

Once we'd gotten changed in the locker rooms, the students filed into the gym. 

"Okay kids, today we'll be doing fitness training! Station one, races, station two, pull-ups, station three, planks, station four, push-ups, station five, jumping jacks, burpees, and sprints. Seven people to each station," the coach called. 

Biana, Keefe, Marella, Wylie, and I went to the pull-up bars along with Percy and some blonde guy who looked like a football player. 

I saw Sophie, Linh, Dex, and Tam walk over to station five, along with Veronica and some other girls who looked like Veronica's minions. 

The coach blew the whistle, and I pulled myself up with my arms. Up, down, up, down, up, down...

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sophie sprinting back and forth without breaking a sweat while Veronica and her minions were huffing and puffing, trudging along. Keefe seemed to be looking at them too, and let out a chuckle. 

Aligned: A KOTLC and HoO crossover {SLOW-ISH UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now