Chapter 3

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Annabeth's POV:

"So, when I Iris-messaged him, Chiron said that there have been some things going on in Manhattan, something about somebody summoning monsters," Percy explained. 

"Like, human? Or another monster," I asked.

He shrugged. "We don't know yet."

"What'd he say about the nine kids?"

"He said that they might just be normal kids, but keep an eye out," Percy said. 

I sighed and leaned on him. "It's so much work being a demigod."

"Yeah," he agreed, wrapping his arms around me. "But you never give up, and that's what I love about you."

3 days later

Walking into history class, I saw that Percy was already waiting for me. "What's up, Seaweed Brain?"

He leaned towards me. "I heard that there's gonna be new students today," he said.

"Huh, I wonder what they're like," I said as the other students started to file into the room.

"Students, please welcome our new students here today from San Francisco!" The teacher looked at the doorway expectantly.

One by one, nine kids came into the room. 

"Aren't those. . ." Percy murmured.

"Yeah, the kids next door," I replied softly.

"Would you mind introducing yourselves?" the teacher asked.

Sophie nodded. "Hi everyone, I'm Sophie."

"I'm Keefe," said the ice-blue-eyed boy. 

He was the one who was acting all protective over Sophie the other day. I wonder if they're together.

"I'm Tam."

"I'm Linh," chimed in a girl, who looked like Tam's twin.

"I'm Dex."

"I'm Wylie."



"Biana." She looked like Fitz's sister.

"They're hot," I heard a girl's voice whisper from the back. Veronica Miller, the school's resident mean girl queen-bee. 

"Thank you," said Fitz. Veronica blushed, embarrassed at being heard.

How did he hear that from the front of the room?

"Anyway, turn to page 394," the teacher said.  

(A/N: Points to whoever got the rather obvious Harry Potter reference)

Thirty-five minutes later, the bell rang and students stampeded out the door. 

Sophie and the others walked out the door, looking like they were holding back laughs.

Biana's POV:

I puffed out my cheeks as we walked out the door, trying to hold back laughter. "There are so many things humans are missing."

We laughed.

"What's so funny?"

The nine of us spun around to see Percy and Annabeth behind us. 

"Oh, hi guys!" Sophie said in a cheery voice. "Um, Biana referenced an inside joke!"

Aligned: A KOTLC and HoO crossover {SLOW-ISH UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now