Chapter 8

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Sophie's POV:

Jason spoke. "Who are you people?"

Marella crossed her arms. "Who are you? As far as I know, normal teens don't carry around knives."

Annabeth took a deep breath. "Okay. Uh, so do any of you know Greek Mythology?"

"Yeah," I said. 

"All of those things, gods, monsters, spirits, those are all real," she said calmly, as if she were speaking to a child.

Keefe shrugged. "We know."

Percy blinked. "What?"

Fitz nodded. "We know."

Annabeth looked confused. "But- how? Are you from Camp Jupiter?"

"Uh, Camp what-now?" Biana asked.

Piper shook her head. "You guys have to be demigods if-"

Tam put his hands in a time-out sign. "Demigods, as in, half-god, half-human? You guys are half god?"

Percy nodded. "Since your friend here has flaming hands, we're assuming you guys are too." 

Linh shook her head. "Uh, no. We're not demigods."

Jason raised his hands in a calming gesture. "I know this is a lot to take in, but you're with us now. We can protect you."

Fitz, for some reason, looked like he was holding back a laugh. 

Biana glanced at me, like: How much to we tell them?

I help my hand up. Just a sec, I'm thinking, I transmitted. 

Linh shook her head, firmer this time. "Seriously, we're not demigods."

Annabeth crossed her arms. "Then what are you?"

Marella arched her eyebrows. Then she looked towards me.

They obviously know how to keep stuff secret... why not tell them?

"We're elves."

Leo held his hands up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Like Santa's elves?"

Biana rolled her eyes. "Uh, no. Do you see clashing colors and pointy shoes?"

"More like, we have special abilities that humans don't cause they aren't considered an intelligent species anymore."

Annabeth looked like she was going to explode. "What do you mean, not considered an intelligent species?"

Wylie, who was closest to her, backed up quickly. Percy put his hand on her shoulder, and turned to me. "Daughter of Athena."

I nodded. "Kinda figured."

Piper blinked. "So... you're elves with magic powers."

I shook my head. "Not magic, really, more like really advanced science?"

Leo bounced on his feet. "Cool," he breathed. "Does that mean I can get powers too?"

Jason glanced at him. "Dude, you already have fire," he said.

Leo held out a hand, and a flame flickered to life. "Oh yeah..."

Marella snorted, and summoned a larger flame. 

Leo's flame grew bigger. So did Marella's.

"Whoa, let's not burn the house down," Keefe said, looking at the three-foot bonfire in Marella's hand. 

She rolled her eyes and extinguished the flame.

Leo shrugged. "Fine."

I chuckled.

Aligned: A KOTLC and HoO crossover {SLOW-ISH UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now