Page 3: Deskmate

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Jaemin points to a boy sitting a few friends away from him. "This is Renjun, Renjun say hi!" Jaemin tells, pretty loudly might I add. The boy I presume is Renjun bows his head, and I bow back. "You two can walk to first period together!" Me and Renjun look at each other and I send him a small smile, which he returns.

After Soo-man finishes, all the kids wait for the bell to ring. Once it rings, everyone gets down from the bleachers and exits the gym. As I'm about to leave, Jaemin pushes Renjun to stand right next to me and gives us a small thumbs up.

"So..." Renjun starts. "You're friends with Jaemin?"

"Yeah, we met over the summer." I smile remembering the fun memory. We then stay quiet for a minute.

"How come I've never seen you before?"

"Ah, I just moved in from (your country)."

"Oh, I'm foreign too." He chimes in a calm voice. "I was born in China and came here a few years ago."

"That's cool." I reply. I then stop walking and mentally facepalm. 'That's cool, really Y/N?'.

Renjun stops to and looks back at me, me flashing him a small smile before jogging to catch up.

We enter the classroom and I glance around trying to find a place to sit.

(Renjun's P.O.V)

When we enter the room I remember Winwin is in this class, but I didn't want to leave Y/N alone. She sits at a two person desk and I question if I should sit next to her or not. Soon, another girl walks in and sits by Y/N, smiling at her. I sigh in relief as I go to sit next to Winwin. Class starts and the teacher goes over the rules and other random things. While he does so, I find myself staring at Y/N.

"What, or who are you looking at?" Winwin ask, waving his hand in front of my face.

"The new girl. Her name is Y/N and she's friends with Jaemin or something." I respond, still staring.

"Why are you looking at her though?" I pause for a moment and think. 'Why am I looking at her?' I turned to Winwin and shrug before looking the other way.

(Y/N P.O.V.) 

The next few classes kinda fly by. I mean, I had a lot of fun in photography with Jaemin, but now it's time for lunch. I walk into the lunchroom and from across the cafeteria I hear, "YAH! Y/N-AH! SIT HERE!" I shake my head and laugh as I make my way over to Jaemin and his friends. "Hey Y/N!"

"Hi Nana." I recall the nickname we made for him in photography.

"I don't think you formally met everyone yet, this is Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Chenle, and Jisung." Jaemin says, introducing his friends. "We call ourselves Dream!"

I question the strange group name in my head, but brush it off.

"How'd you two meet?" Mark ask, pointing between me and Jaemin, Jaemin quickly answering.

"Well when I was working at SM café on downtown N-City, she came in and knocked over a stack cups before she could even order!" He laughs. "It was so cute and she seemed so shy, so I helped her pick up them up and told her she could have a free drink, on me. My shift had ended so we sat down and drank coffee together while talking for like 3 hours straight."

"It's weird because she was so talk-a-tive then and she's all quiet now." Jaemin finishes, examining me.

"I just don't do well in big crowds... " I mumble.

"So, if I get you to talk with each member individual, you wont be so awkward?" He ask. I stay quiet, not know how to respond. "Well... " He grabs my schedule. "You have next period with Haechan, you two can become friends then."

"As if I 'd want to be friends with Miss 'Wah, I'm too nervous, I can't talk.'" Haechan taunts. That was just a joke, right?

"Shut up, Haechan." Mark scolds, flicking the back of his head. I wish it didn't bother me as much as it did. Why would he say something like that? The bell rings and try to rush out the cafeteria, but I left Jaemin grabs my hand.

"Are you okay?" I nod, trying to act unfazed. He lets me go and I walk to my next class and sit at a desk alone in the back. Haechan walks in and sits next to some girl smacking her gum and looking him up and down. They start talking and she touches all over him. I roll my eyes, assuming the type of guy Haechan is, but the teacher yells and catches my attention.

"HEY, DON'T JUST SIT WHERE EVER YOU WANT!" The teacher shouts, proceeding to pull out a seating chart and yell out the names of the desk pairings. "AND AT THIS DESK WE HAVE... Y/N and, HAECHAN!" My eyes widen as I slowly turn to look back at him, him already looking at me. 'Oh no.'

Deskmates | Lee Haechan/ Lee DonghyuckWhere stories live. Discover now