Page 6: Dreams History

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The morning comes and as I'm going through my routine, I get a call from my mom.

"Hello Y/n!"

"Hey mama!"

"How's everything going in Korea?"

"It's great, I have some amazing friends and good classes too."

"I'm so glad to hear that! See, aren't you glad you moved?" When she says that, my mood slowly drops. I still miss her, and my sisters, my grandma, my old friends...

"How are my sisters?"

"They're great, they miss you so much."

"And grandma?"

"She's good too, not getting any younger though." She jokes and we both laugh.

"Well I have to finish getting ready for school, so maybe we can talk more later?"

"Of course, goodbye sweetie."

"Bye mom!" I end the call and sigh. After a few minutes, make my way to the kitchen and begin eating my breakfast.

Suddenly, I hear a knocking sound. I get up to answer the door.

"Hello?" I look up and meet eyes with Jeno. "Oh hey, are you hungry?" I ask as I let him in. He nods and sits down at my table.

We talk until we're done with breakfast, then we leave for school.

Skipping to lunch, I sit down next to Jaemin and Jeno sits on the other side of him. Mark sits in the free space next to Jeno and Haechan sits across from Mark. Next to Haechan is Renjun, followed by Chenle, and Jisung sits across from me. If that makes any sense.

"I'm curious," I let out. "How did your 'Dream' group meet and become friends?"

"Well," Mark starts. "It all began in elementary school (or primary school or something... year 1 through 5, idk I'm just a dumb American). Jaemin and Jeno became friends at a young age and entered SM Middle (junior high or year 6-8) together where they met me. I was in 7th grade at the time, but I did have one friend who was in 6th like them, Lee Donghyu-"

"Use my nickname, she doesn't get to call me Donghyuck." Haechan interrupts.

"Your real name is Dong-"

"You DO NOT get to call me that." He orders, cutting off my question. I immediately close my mouth and shrink back into my seat.

"Enough." Jaemin snaps, glaring at Haechan. "Continue the story Mark." He ends, demeanor completely changing as he goes back to smiley Jaemin.

"Any...who, I introduced them to HAECHAN who I had known from childhood, and then they met Renjun in the middle of the school year. The next year we all went to the same school and met Jisung and Chenle who were in 6th grade while 00' liners were in 7th and I was in 8th." Mark finishes.

"Wow, I can't believe all that happened only 3, 4 years ago." Jeno sighs.

"It must be nice that you've known each other for long. You've probably been through a lot together." I say, trying my hardest not to sound upset. Gosh I really miss my friends back in (your country)

"It is nice but hopefully we can know you for long time too." Renjun smiles. I look up and smile back.

Haechan begins fake gagging and I roll my eyes as the bell rings. We leave the lunch room and I prepare myself for my least favorite class.

*Thud* I hear as I glare at the boy sitting next to me. *Thud* *Thud*

"Please stop kicking my desk." I quietly plead.

*thud* *THUD*

"HAECHAN!" I shout.

"Y/N!" The teacher yells back. Haechan silently chuckles. "Detention for you." He ends before turning back towards the chalk board.

"You're kidding me." I mumble, making Haechan burst out laughing.

"Do you want it too?" The teacher ask, pointing to Haechan.

"With her? Never."

"Then be quiet." The teacher says, turning once more.

I finally realize in this moment that, I REALLY hate this class.

Next period comes and I complain to Renjun about what happened with Haechan. He seems kinda bothered by my story.

"I'm really sorry about him, I have no idea why he's like that to you." Renjun consoles.

"Yeah, me neither." I sigh. School ends and I head to the detention room.

(3rd Person P.O.V)

"Where's Y/N?" Jaemin questions with a pout. "I didn't get my afterschool hug."

"She's in detention!" Haechan guffaws. "Can you believe that?"

"Are you serious?" Renjun scolds. Haechan looks around to see Jeno, Mark, and Jisung all glaring at him. He sighs.

"I'll go first." He announces, quickly walking away.

"Why is he like this?" Chenle shakes his head.


Author: I swear I hate making Haechan douche (or a jerk) but, it will all make sense soon. I promise <3 Donghyuck is such a sweet ball of fluff!

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