Part 12: Feelings

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Side Note: This song goes well with the page. (Warning: The song uses language, so don't it blast next to your parents! :) Back to the story!

Another day of walking to school with Jeno by my side. You'd almost assume we're dating if you saw us playing around on our way to school.

We just got back from Christmas/New Year's break and I'm super excited to see everyone again after awhile. Well, everyone except Jaemin, since he came over on Christmas Day.

"Hi boys!" I exclaim, running through the gate with Jeno no far behind.

"Y/N!" Jaemin shout, running towards me. But as he's running, he's not moving. I tilt my head in confusion until I see Donghyuck holding Jaemin back by his bookbag, keeping him in place.

"You act like you two didn't see each other over Christmas." Hyuck scoffs. I ignore his tone and decide to show off what's in my hand.

"Guys, look what Jeno gave me!" I show them the purple flower that he plucked for me on our way here.

"It's pretty, just like you." Jeno says, mumbling the last part.

"Can we just go inside already?" Donghyuck snaps, looking in the opposite direction of me and Jeno. I give a weird look as Mark starts teasing him. 'What is going on?' I ask myself as we enter the school.

*Skip to lunch*

I've had such a fun day so far and wanted to tell the boys all about it.

"So, after Renjun answered the full equation, our teacher almost flipped out." I laugh, all the boys joining me. All but one.

"Y/N, remember in Science when we had to partner up and you took my lab coat, but it was WAY too big for you. You looked so cute!" Mark blurts.

"SO cute." Hyuck mocks, rolling his eyes in the process.

"Uh... Oh yeah!" I say as I take out my camera. "Look at these pictures I got of Jaemin in photography. Doesn't he look like boyfriend material?" Almost all the boys nod in agreement, but of course one of them had to have a problem.

"Those pictures aren't even that good." Hyuck remarks. My smile slowly fades and Jaemin glares at Donghyuck.

"Y/N worked hard taking those."

"S- Sorry... " Hyuck sighs. The bell rings and we get up and get ready for 5th period.

Once we enter the classroom, I immediately speak with Hyuck to see what's up.

"Donghyuck are you okay? You seemed, weird this morning." I ask.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just got a lot on my mind." He replies, laying his head down in his arms. For the rest of class he didn't kick my desk once. He always kicks my desk, in fact, we always mess with each other during this period, but today was just silent.

It's our final class for the day I rant to Jisung and Chenle about everything. What? They're my gossip buddies.

"Y/N... it sounds like he's jealous." Chenle says.

"Jealous? No, he got over that when we were locked in the room together." I respond.

"Not that type of jealous noona..." Jisung mutters. Before I could say anything, the bell rings.

We all walk out and go to the gates of the school. I make eye contact with Hyuck as Jaemin whines,

"Where's my after school hug?"

I go up to hug Jaemin and Hyuck breaks contact, looking the other way.

"Let's go grab something to eat." Mark offers. We all agree and walk to the nearest restaurant. We enter and I sit in between Renjun and Jisung, Donghyuck sitting across from me.

Renjun and I start playing around. He tickles me and I hold back his wrist while laughing.

The waiter comes up to take everyone orders.

"Can I get anything for you and your boyfriend?" The waitress ask, eyeballing me and Renjun. Renjun was about to speak until Hyuck cut him off.

"He's not her boyfriend." He growls, his voice sending a chill down my spine.

(Hyuck's P.O.V)

When we finish our food, Y/N is the first to leave.

Once she's gone, all the boys turn to focus on me.

"What?" I ask. Don't get me wrong, I love attention, but not like this.

"You got it bad." Mark says.

"Yep, you're totally in love." Renjun adds.

"What do you guys mean?" I nervously chuckle. I knew exactly what they meant.

"You've been jealous of us towards Y/N all day." Jeno says.

"It was kinda scary." Chenle shivers.

"What ever you're thinking, it's wrong." I state.

"Defensive are we?" Jisung smirks.

"If you don't like Y/N... than can I date her?" Jaemin provokes, and it works. Slam my hands on the table to push myself up, stomping away towards the bathroom. I needed to take a minute to calm down.

I soon hear someone come in behind me.

"You know you have to tell her, right?" Mark ask, placing a hand on my shoulder.

(Y/N P.O.V)

I jump into my bed the second I get home. I lay down and place both my hands over my heart. Why is it beating so fast?

I hear a buzz and turn to check my phone.

1 message from Hyuckie <3

What? When did I put a heart beside his name.

Did you make it home safe? The text read.

I wanted to respond but everytime I'd put a finger on the keyboard, my hands would shake. Why does he make me like this?

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