Page Nineteen: Confession

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(Hyuck's P.O.V)

I'm SUPER nervous. I told all the boys I'm going to confess to Y/N today but, I didn't know if I'd really go through with it. I got her flowers and chocolates. Will she like it? Ugh, I don't know.

I tried to dress up the best I can within keeping in the uniform dress code.

I'm ready. I think...

I get to school and wait with the boys for Jeno and Y/N to arrive. When they finally come, they're holding hands. It made me feel slightly jealous but they're just friends, right? That's all.

Y/N approaches us and starts talking.

"I've wanted to tell you for awhile, but... me and Jeno are dating and we're happily in love." She announces.

I felt my whole world crash around me.

Everything goes black.

I spring up and thrash my head left and right. No flowers, no chocolate...

But also no Y/N and Jeno!

It's only a dream. A dream that I CAN'T let become a reality.

I need to tell her today.

(Y/N P.O.V)

I'm so tired today but I drag myself out of bed regardless.

I actual tried with my hair today, just cuz I felt bad doesn't mean I can't look cute.

I walk out the door and up to Jeno's house where his mom waves us off as we go to school.

I get up to the gates and give Jaemin a big hug.

"If it isn't the liar?" Donghyuck sasses, referring to me. I'm really getting sick of his morningly bratty-ness.

"If it isn't the trader who stopped talking to me just because he thought I was moving." I snap back.

"If we talked more, I would've missed you too much." He says with a pout. I roll my eyes, though I have to admit he is cute.

During lunch, Hyuck kept flirting with me. I was almost the color of a tomato by this point.

"You know what you would look really beautiful in? My arms." He winks.

"If you place so much as one finger on me, I'll break your arms." I flash him a smile.

"Come on, cut me some slack. I'm only saying these things because I like you." He says, mumbling the last part. He wasn't being serious, was he?

The bell rings and we make our way to 5th period.

Luckily, we have a substitute today so me and Hyuck sit next to each other. We start teasing each other as per usual. He'd take my notebook, I'd kick his leg, then he'd tickle me as revenge. We both laugh and look each other in the eyes, the biggest smiles on our faces. We then both turn away, blushing harder than ever.

God I like him so much.

I tell Chenji about what happened earlier and they say things like, "You two should date." and "You'd look good together." I just ignore their comments. I would love too be with Hyuck, but there's no way he likes me back.

School's over and Hyuck offers to walk me home because Jeno is going to Jaemin's for an all nighter. I ship it.

We begin walking but, Hyuck is more quiet than usual. Usually he rambles on about nothing, but he doesn't talk today.

"Hyuck, what's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking." He replies.

"Well, what are you thinking about." I question. He shakes his head but I'm not taking no for an answer. I grab his hand and drag him to the neighborhood park. We both sit on the swings softly swaying back and forth.

"Now, what are you thinking about?" I repeat.

"You." He bluntly responds. "I'm thinking about you and me."

"W- What about us." I question, my nervousness becoming apparent through my stutter.

"Y/N," He drifts. I glance up at him and he looks back at me. As our eyes make contact, I get sucked into his gaze, he's just so attractive.

"I like you." We both say, almost simultaneously.

We smile at each other and look down.

"No fair, I wanted to say it first." Donghyuck scoffs.

"Took you long enough." I joke back.

We once again, make eye contact and I can't look away. His eyes flash to my lips, then back up. He smirks a bit and then pulls my swing toward his. My heartbeat quickens as we lean in.

Just then, we hear a loud voice in the distance.


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