Part 18: A Terrible Day

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(Hyuck's P.O.V)

All the Dreamies knew about Y/N moving and they were all upset.

I can't believe she's leaving us. Me.

I wish I could just man up and tell her how I feel, but I can't...

It's Friday and I see Y/N roaming through the halls, alone. I really wish she would stay.

When schools over, me and the boys gather at the gate. Y/N walks pass us, giving a sad gaze before entering a car full of suitcases.

The lady in the drivers seat looks very similar to her, I assume it is her mom.

Goodbye forever, Choi Y/N.

(Y/N P.O.V)

I know, I know.

I should have made it clear sooner.

I'm not leaving Korea.

I changed my mind last minute.

I was sad earlier because my mom is leaving, but I also cried tears of joy.

Joy knowing that 7 amazing boys cared so much for a girl like me.

I'm planning to surprise them on Monday by coming back to school.

That's what they get for all ignoring me.


(Hyuck P.O.V)

I lazily drag myself out of bed.

What's the point of going to school if Y/N won't be there?

I somehow use enough power to walk myself all the way to school.

As I reached the gates, I notice something. Someone.

I do a double take, is she really there?

I walk up to her.

"Surprise!" Y/N shouts, hugging me. She steps back and explains everything.

'That two faced, double crossing, lying little-' I thought, but at the same time I think, 'I've never been so proud.'

We definitely deserved the trick we got.

Something so sinister, yet so sweet.

Something I would do.

That's it... I'm in love.

And I'm going to tell her.

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