Page siete (7): Afterschool Hangout

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(Yes I am aware the page titles are all over the place) Side Note: The second I started writing this chapter Chewing Gum played and I started jamming out, look how much our babies grew 🥺

Another painfully long day at school ends. I walk outside and give Jaemin a quick hug, but he holds on for longer this time. When he let's go he puts his arm around my shoulder stopping me from going home. (This is the part of the story where all the mean girls start whispering about Y/N and Jaemin but in this universe everyone minds they're own freaking business)

"Y/N, we're all going to stop by SM café and then head to the arcade. Wanna come?" Jaemin ask. Before I could respond, Haechan buds in.

"PLEASE don't come with us."

I immediately become sadden by his words. "Actually, I think I'll just-"

"You have to come, we're not taking no as an answer." Jeno says, walking up to link arms with me.

When we get to the café, Jaemin makes us all free drinks since he works there.

We leave and arrive at the arcade in no time. The second we enter, Chenle runs straight to the basketball game with Jeno and Mark. Jisung and Jaemin head towards the racing games, and Me, Renjun, and Haechan stay back.

"I'm going to buy some more tokens." Renjun says running off.

"And I'm going to get away from you." Haechan sasses. I roll my eyes and turn to my right to see a little dropper game. I think 'Why not?' and go up to try.

I play and get a jackpot on my first try. (cliché much?) While I was distracted by my victory, Renjun sneaks up behind me.

"Good job Y/N!" He shouts, giving me a hug. I turn around and hug back.

I glance to my right and make eye contact with Haechan, him rolling his eyes.

"I could've done that with my eyes closed." He brags, walking up and prying me and Renjun off of each other. We step back and all the boys gather around.

"Prove it," Mark says, tossing Haechan a coin.

"I will!"

Haechan confidently slips in the token and adjust the joystick. He turns around to face us and smacks the button, releasing the ball.

It falls and rolls for a few seconds before going directly into the 2 tickets slot.

I crack a chuckle making everyone else burst out laughing.

"Eyes closed, huh." I taunt, walking past Haechan, only looking at him with a side eye. Once he's fully out of my sight, I could've sworn I saw him smirking. 'Did he already know that he was going to lose? That sly mother-'

"Hey Y/N, come play this game with me!" Jaemin exclaims, cutting my thoughts short.

We all play games and laugh for the rest of the time that we're at the arcade. If I'm being honest, this was probably one of the best days I've had in a long time.

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